This is the one you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS! The stunning final pages of this issue will have fans talking for the rest of the year... and beyond! Join writer Kevin Smith, artist Jonathan Lau and a host of talented cover artists (Ross, Cassaday, Segovia and Benitez!) as they unveil the next generation of The Green Hornet, Kato, and the mysterious Black Hornet! The Black Hornet is the Green Hornet's GREATEST foe! Will the original Green Hornet rise up to fight again for justice? Where's Kato been all this time? Who's the mysterious and beautiful Mulan? Three will LIVE! One will DIE! For Good! Find out all of this and more in this very issue!
Once again, I'm surprised. If you haven't already, go out and pick up the first two issues along with this one. It's great getting in on the ground floor. While I was never the biggest Green Hornet fan, this comic really changes how I feel about the character. The writing, art and colors all just work wonderfully. All comics should be this fun and entertaining. A 5 out of 5. Read Full Review
Britt Reid Sr. is murdered by the Black Hornet in front of his son Britt Reid Jr. while the mysterious Asian woman fails to save the day. Whats going on? Can Reid Jr. exact vengeance on the Green Hornet or is the Black Hornet as different man? There was inconsistencies in this issue. Who exactly threw the Green Hornet darts at the home invaders last issue? It seems that it was this new Black Hornet character, but why would he attack his own men? The rest of this issue serves as the wake up call for Reid Jr. and will soon explain why he must become the new Green Hornet. The old Green Hornet, from what I gather in this series didnt become vigilantes for revenge but for justice. It will be interesting to see the old Kato guide the new recruit. This issue is almost farcical. The old Kato really is Miyagi. Its unfortunate that Green Hornet has to become the karate kid. Still this series is interesting, even if one knows exactly where its going next. It may not be the most thoughtful Kevin S Read Full Review
The pacing has picked up somewhat from the first two issues, which is a plus, and overall this issue gets the job done. We find ourselves empathizing with Britt, and the art effectively and clearly delineates the action before us. Aside from jokes about the Hornets hat, the story carries itself briskly and entertains from start to finish. As we continue, I hope to see things coalescing into something more than the sum of its parts. Green Hornet #3 earns a respectable 3 out of 5 stars overall, with some sparks of brilliance that make me more than willing to see where all of this is going. Read Full Review
"Green Hornet" #3 is just another issue in this story that will see Britt Reid, Jr. step into his father's shoes and take up the mantle of the Hornet, his father's death the requisite tragedy to make it happen. It's a little clucky and clichd, but the art is dynamic in places and the issue ends on a cute joke. Read Full Review