Erik Norris & Kevin Powers's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 1
9.0Avg. Review Rating

KP: Theres really no other way to classify this issue than as another strong installment in Geoff Johns epic. Hes doing a fair share of ret-conning and overall, it works very well. However, like I said, my only real problem with this issue and Secret Origins is the fact that key character elements get glazed over and the story is heavily geared to Blackest Night. Now, dont get me wrong, Im very excited about Blackest Night but Ive also been waiting for the definitive version of Hals origin for a long time. But, I do understand many of those story elements and character points have to be put on the back burner for the next chapter. So, I guess in conclusion I dont have any other complaints because I absolutely love this book and this issue.

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