Denise Blakely's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 31
8.2Avg. Review Rating

I'm ready for issue 2; I'm interested to see where this goes. My advice is pick this up, but brace yourself to end the issue feeling puzzled.

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For me, Mayday comes nowhere close and maybe the comparison was unfair. But when you make a claim like this, high expectations are made.I find that the best part of this book is the coloring, and the little bits of social commentary Peterson placed into the artwork wasn't lost on me. I chuckled out loud at a billboard for an upcoming flick called "White Privilege 8". Overall I don't recommend this book, I think your money could be better spent elsewhere.

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For anyone who is a fan of Bloodshot I'd say pick this up for sure. I feel that had I been a fan, this would be a great new storyline.It seems as though it will be exciting to watch Bloodshot rebuild himself from the killing machine he was, to a hero he can be proud of. As a newbie to Bloodshot, I say it's worth giving a glance if you're into the genre. It sets things up in a way that I think you'll be able to jump on board and not be confused because of missing the original series.

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Overall I think Jem and the Holograms is sporting a successful first issue. It doesn't follow the original set up exactly, but it keeps true to the tone and main aspects of the cartoon. I felt warm and nostalgic as I read the issue and I'm certainly going to stick it out through at least the first story arc. I applaud Thompson and Campbell for being brave enough to tackle an old favorite. They are making great efforts to balance the old in a new time, while still staying true to what made the original so outrageous, and doing a great job at it.

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Overall this is a great first issue. There's huge promise in the story line and I find myself imagining all the different ways it could go and/or be told. While I was unsure that anything exciting was going to unfold at first, when I reached the last page I was immediately yearning for the next issue. I'm in. I can already feel this story growing into something worth reading month to month and I just have to know, who is Arthur McBride?

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The Empty is worth picking up. The fact that Robinson created, wrote, illustrated, lettered and colored the book is pretty darn impressive! It surely lends to the ability to make sure that every detail is exactly as he envisioned it. This promises to be an interesting journey to follow, full of interesting characters and beings. If you didn't snag a copy at the shop yesterday, I say swing back and grab one, you won't be sorry.

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This is a superb debut issue. I have already called my shop and asked them to add it to my pull list and I'm saying that you should too! Hickman and Bodenheim are an awesome match up and I'm counting the days until issue 2. Magnificent storytelling matched with handsome artwork, The Dying and the Dead is going to be a hit for sure!

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Overall I would say Feathers is a great start to something that can be shared by a wide age range of comic book enthusiasts. The storyline is compelling and mysterious and the artwork is a delight to look at. I love that I'm left with questions about the past and future of the characters, who is this little feathered boy? Who were the narrators and what kind of game do they mean?

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While feeling much like something we've all read and seen before, They're Not Like Us might be worth a read. To be completely honest, I can't really say for sure or not at this point. The cliffhanger that the issue ends on is the only thing that keeps me hanging on. That judgment call can't become a positive for me until I see issue 2. I waver on the fence between done before and it could really take a different interesting turn.

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Overall I enjoyed Solitary. It didn't stop me in my tracks as a holy moly you HAVE to read this book kind of situation, but it is enjoyable and I am interested enough in finding out what will happen to pick up issue two, and isn't that what any comic writer wants?

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In the end of this issue, after all the letters and responses, there's a little blurb that reveals that in the next issue, we will discover that humans are not the dominant species in this world. Oh my! I can't wait to see what kind of creatures await us in the upcoming issues and I'm on the edge of my seat just wondering what they will look like. The Brandon/Klein matchup is glorious and I'll say it one more time, this is one of the best new comics I have picked up in quite some time. Pick up issue one if you haven't already and add Drifter to your pull list, it's worth your time and money.

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Eternal is most definitely worth picking up. The story is fast paced, gripping and different. What I most love about a book like this is that it really becomes a social commentary on human behavior. Harms has done a wonderful job of making realistic predictions about how people would behave in world where death is no longer a reality to face with uncertainty, but rather now a minor inconvenience. I look forward to seeing what other behavioral insights he makes in the three issues that are to follow.

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I'm not sure how to feel about ODY-C. I believe that this is going to be a hit or miss with people, some will fall in love while others will hate it or just plain not get it.

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This is a must read for fans of Bradbury as well as short stories. I'm super excited for the next four issues and can't wait to see what kinds of other stories were inspired by Bradbury's work. The next issue will be based on a story written by Neil Gaiman.

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To try and predict where this story is going to go is nearly impossible, which is its biggest asset in my opinion. I want to continue reading simply because any storyline I can dream up is most likely not right and wouldn't even come close to what will probably happen. The artwork is unique and emotional, which is always a plus in my world. I say definitely give Intersect #1a go.

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I find the storyline appealing enough to retain my interest in Deep State. I enjoy that Jordan has woven his imagination with real conspiracy theories and I know that anyone who loves that kind of stuff is really going to dig this book. I'm super picky about artwork and taste is relative, so don't let my dislike of this books panels keep you from reading. I'm a little worried Kristantina will read this and hate me: I'm sorry. Check out her Midnight Bunny series, it's not only unique, but super rad as well.

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Drifter is a for sure, no questions asked, must buy. I simply cannot wait to see where this story goes and I'm over the moon with the artwork. This is absolutely the best new comic I have picked up in quite some time.

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This debut issue of the Humans is mostly a set up issue. It's meant to give the reader a brief introduction of the MC. Outside of that it hasn't gotten into any deep storytelling. The issue ends on a note that leaves me intrigued. Perhaps it's just because I recently did some binge catching up on season 6 of Sons of Anarchy, but it's what this book reminds me of after my initial read. I feel that if the storytelling becomes as intense and unpredictable as that show, then this book will be a big hit. There are endless directions of action and adventure that a story about and MC full of primates could go in, and I'm ready for the ride.

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I think this is going to be a great book. I'm hopeful that it keeps the delicate balance between the fantasy and reality worlds that this first issue so well exhibits. The end left me groaning out loud to know what is going to happen in the future. Pick this up, you won't be sorry.

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Fiction Squad is a book worth reading. It's well written and drawn, and I am interested in seeing how all of the different stories we already know will come together in this book. It's always fun to see classic characters we see as good on the other side. Aside from the overly busty female characters this book is promising a hit.

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At first I was lost a bit by the jumpy storytelling and the overabundance of inner monologue, but a second pass left me really interested in the characters. There are few things better than great character growth and I can see some of that coming in this book. I'm anxious to know what brought these two to this junction and why told with stories about their past that push them into the future.

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This is a great all ages comic. The artwork is great, the writing is wonderful and I can see this book moving into an awesome direction towards unexpected and mystical adventures. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for something lighter. If I had a kid around Oddlys age I would pick it up for them for sure, this would make a great book to read together.

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I really wanted to like Wild's End" but this book was unimpressive. The artwork is just ok. The storyline dragged on slowly like a snail trekking through peanut butter. It not only left me with absolutely no desire to pick up the next issue, but I also just wanted to stop flipping the pages. I felt no care at all towards the characters and the little action the story did have just didn't capture my interest.

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Ex-con is an awesome debut issue. Pick it up to learn what about the light and how it's the best tool ever for a con artist.

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Bob's Burgers goes from the screen to the pages of comic books. Good thing, because we could all use a little more Belchers in our lives!

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I'm pretty in love The Delinquents, and as someone who avoids super hero books like Superman avoids kryptonite, it makes me wonder what other delightful lighthearted adventures I am missing within the genre overflowing with capes, costumes and super powers. It's already obvious that this four issue series is going to be a riot of an adventure. I can't wait to see what hilarity ensues when the four main characters come together to create a little chaos riddled with comedy.

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The journey Fawkes takes the reader on is complicated and simple at the same time, much like relationships are. It left me reflecting on every emotion I've ever encountered in my romantic and sexual past. His ability to hit on the true sentiments that happen between people when they are at their most vulnerable is faithful to the truth. The book is not easy to explain for someone like me who rarely cares to talk about my feelings and all I can do is recommend that you pick it up for yourself. Be prepared to revisit old emotions and be left a bit melancholy after the experience. The People Inside is poetry in panels and definitely worth a read.

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Although I didn't love the art I'm hooked into the storyline and I can't wait for the next issue. I have a feeling Hexed is going to take some twisted turns as Lucifer makes her way into The Shade and back. I'm also hoping that the stark contrast in artwork between The Harlot and the rest of the book means that once we find ourselves in a more dangerous dimension, that we will find ourselves with some more interesting visuals. I definitely recommend picking this book up for the intriguing storyline, I think we're in for a wild ride.

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The story bored me a little. Then I reminded myself that Marz and Rodriguez were paying homage to classics from the 1930s, which puts thinking about this book into a different light. It was well-blended. For anyone who didn't know that it's a crossover between two classics, it's indistinguishable. My favorite aspect is that the title didn't have to change from Lovecraft's original work; here it just takes on a different meaning.

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This book isnt at all what I expected. It makes me sad that I waited so long to spend some time with The Goon. I was entertained, I felt emotion and I want more. While established Goon fans may already have a feel for whats going on, new readers shouldnt feel shy about picking this book up. This is my first interaction with The Goon and I didn't feel like I was outside the circle at all. Instead, Im left anxious to see how this story unfolds and cant wait to see more interesting personalities come off of the pages. 9.5 out of 10

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The integration of modern affairs into Life of Archie seems flawless. This issue leaves me feeling the same nostalgia that Archie feels, setting the mood for this issue and those to follow. The vague approach to which female Archie is married to alludes to the fact that in both universes, our long time Riverdale friend meets the same fate. An American icon heads to the grave. For anyone who has spent any time loving Archie comics, at any stage of its publication, this is a worthy read.

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