7.9 |
Overall Rating |
10 |
Apache Delivery Service | 2 issues |
10 |
Apache Delivery Service #1
Feb 22, 2022 |
This is definitely a set-up issue, so looking for a massive pay off or conclusion this early on, will only lead to disappointment. Admittedly, with a soft spot for War comics like Out of The Blue, and The other Side, the flaws of the issue are given a blinded eye. Nevertheless the outcast going on their own, but mastering the environment as it's familiar Tony is upbringing is an intriguing starting point. |
10 |
Apache Delivery Service #2
Feb 22, 2022 |
Still digging this series so far! The protagonist's skill set was established in the initial issue, so his expertise being called on makes sense. This has a Road to Eldorado, meets Full Metal Jacket feel to it. Maybe mix in a little Predator. |
10 |
Dark Blood | 1 issues |
10 |
Dark Blood #6
Feb 22, 2022 |
Overall the series has it's ups and downs. I think it suffered a little pacing wise in the middle issues. The story at time suffered from a little too much exposition and dialogue, sometimes again, stifling pacing. The ending gave our protagonist full access to his powers, with creative historically inspired endings. I would definitely read from this team again. |
10 |
Made in Korea | 1 issues |
10 |
Made in Korea #4
Aug 25, 2021 |
The whole story so far has read like a high production, high concept, drama series. I'm left wishing I almost hopped on this once the trades started coming out, because I'm anxious for the next issue Everytime. Holt has drastically changed the tone of this story a few times (at least in my opinion), with the hope-fufilling and uplifting family ai assisted story. Only to see her get more hungry for more knowledge and interaction, only to run into horrible Hyper Americana stereotypes of crowd shooters. Watching a young innocent child strung along and influenced to commit heinous crimes unknowingly. This issue explored how that might play out perfectly. It felt very visceral and raw, but extremely well crafted. |
10 |
What's The Furthest Place From Here? | 1 issues |
10 |
What's The Furthest Place From Here? #4
Feb 22, 2022 |
The Academy making it to the Carnival, especially in pursuit of one of their own through consolidated gangs aimed at them??!... has big time The Warriors vibes. This whole book feels like Apocolyptic Teenage Future Fighting Warriors, and I love it. |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2021) #3
Jan 27, 2022 |
I'm loving this new BP series. I waited a while after Coates very intriguing interpretation. What Ridley is getting right here is pacing an unraveling mystery while still maintaining the always guarded persona that is T'Challa. Having sleeper agents is an ever evolving spin on this round of T'Challa really not trusting anyone. 2nd story read and was drawn just like a folklore story take, with a word-of-mouth/legend tale like plot. The third story was interesting. Cool to see people Learning to manipulate vibranium in a way that gives them "powers". Just like I was for I Am Batman, I'm looking forward to the next issue here. |
9.0 |
House of Slaughter (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
House of Slaughter (2021) #4
Jan 27, 2022 |
Loving this story, as I have been with most of Tynion's work that I've read so far. Just like the Nice House on the Lake, Tynion has mastered characterization and emotional and appropriately dramatic setting. The romance, yet obligation if these two characters is amazing, and Jace's upbringing story was a joy to read. Looking forward to the next entry. |
9.0 |
It's Only Teenage Wasteland | 1 issues |
9.0 |
It's Only Teenage Wasteland #1
Dec 14, 2022 |
Glad I picked this one up. I'm not the biggest fan of teenage based stories, but this hits a soft spot that has very relatable moments for most adolescent experience. The time and masterful effort they took to set-up the plot amongst the "wasteland" element of this story would have been amazing in "What's the Furthest Place From Here", as well with that loveable cast. |
9.0 |
Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) #1
Mar 23, 2022 |
Loved it. It wasn't as hot of a start as Punisher or Ghost Rider 1. Especially how Ghost Rider had classic horror elements... ...But much like the movie's, this comic has a charm that is befitting of their symbiotic relationship. I love how the writer tells the backstory through Brocks' Genuine concern for the symbiote. Definitely looking forward to the next. |
8.5 |
Carnage (2022) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Carnage (2022) #1
Mar 16, 2022 |
I just finished "Carnage Forever" last week, and was surprised to see this new run start. Where this issue doesn't have the same gripping fear element Forever had, the premise is pretty innovative for a Marvel Character with this much lore. I'm definitely excited for this run! |
8.5 |
New Masters | 1 issues |
8.5 |
New Masters #1
Feb 4, 2022 |
It's got Sci-fi, politics, and a mcguffin to drive an interstellar adventure. Oh, and black? I'm in. |
7.0 |
Search For Hu | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Search For Hu #5
Jan 31, 2022 |
Maybe it's just me, but I either stopped caring about the plot, or had a hard time keeping up. This could just be me, but the ending was definitely charming. |
6.8 |
American Jesus | 2 issues |
9.0 |
American Jesus: Revelation #2
Jan 30, 2023 |
4.5 |
American Jesus: Revelation #3
Jan 30, 2023 |
I'll say it out loud. Dud of an ending. I rate this issue just under middle of the road here, only because the story was not willing to commit to any direction of an ending with actual weight. Watching the art unfold, as a literal pop culture relic of time over the years, yet a great reflection of the current times set's this story of two polar projects up perfectly. The entire story has been very fun to read, even at times introspective I just wish the ending had a more weighted, maybe tragic ending. Maybe I'm cyclical doe too. 9.3/10 series for me overall. |
6.0 |
Batman '89 (2021) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Batman '89 (2021): Echoes #1
Dec 3, 2023 |
Kinda boring, like the first series. I'm all for build-up, and world-building but let me at least see the man... Im definitely dropping, it isn't bad, just isn't for me. I read Batman for Batman. |
5.0 |
Captain America / Iron Man (2021) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #3
Jan 31, 2022 |
I'm pretty much obsessed with everything Captain America and Alex Ross. That's about it. Kind of a skippable title, but that also might be because I'm mad we don't have a solo Cap Run right now. |
4.5 |
Gargoyles (2022) | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Gargoyles (2022) #2
Jan 26, 2023 |
There are so many names. Literally every other bubble is another character and I'm beyond confused. I want this to work, but with the art being pretty run-of-the-mill and wayyyy more exposition/dialogue then any remnant of action..? This might be a pass. |
3.5 |
X-Men: Legends (2022) | 1 issues |
3.5 |
X-Men: Legends (2022) #2
Sep 25, 2022 |
Good God this is horrible. I'm a very optimistic person, and I try to find the value in all works but... this is just confusing as hell. What is this? |
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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) | 1 issues |
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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #92.BEY
Mar 16, 2022 |
Jumped on ASM just for my boy B Riley. Prolly gonna leave after that. Others have said it better than me, but it just doesn't exist. They introduced 2 potentially intriguing characters with Queen Goblin and Grey Dragon Healy Man. But both of those concepts, amongst a majority of the others, we're way too short lived and this surface-feeling. I'm out 93. |