TheFightingBull's Profile

Joined: Jun 09, 2021

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Batman: Beyond the White Knight #3  
Carnage Forever (2022) #1  
Iron Man (2020) #9  
James Bond: Agent of Spectre #4

Jun 9, 2021

"I'll do it well because everything less in a machine like this would be offensive" I really need to catch up on this comic that I randomly picked up at the store. I'm a big fan of spy stories, and I absolutely fell in love with this issue.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Jun 9, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

Jun 9, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #3

Jun 9, 2021

"You didn't do this, they are. From what you said ... That suit made you into a monster. Thought that doesn't explain the previous ten years of you as that wall-crawling menace " Jonah jameson When Jameson said the first sentence my jaw dropped, but in the second despite all the drama I laughed out loud. I enjoyed this comic so much that maybe it should be illegal, this number made me buy the previous ones. Simply great.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Jun 9, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Jun 9, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

Jun 9, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #4

Jun 9, 2021

"You're alive. In the here. In the now. You're alive, Jason. And I intend to keep it that way." Bruce Wayne. These words are something I never thought I had heard from the bat, in Jason's second life everything in their relationship is fine or fights. I always wondered if Bruce was aware of what it's like to have a child back. I lost a brother and I would give anything for this kind of miracles to happen, but fantasy is folded with dreams, imagination and desires. I don't know where to put the story of this comic book writer, because there is no thread, but really since this reboot we did not reboot we are all lost in some kind of flash point. However, the narrative is really good. It is great that the creators of this site allow fans to express themselves, I think there is more sincerity than in the professional reviews.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #5

Jul 14, 2021

"I WAS ABOUT TO LOSE THE ONLY PERSON TO EVER BELIEVE IN ME..BECAUSE I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH. HE BELIEVED IN ME. THAT I COULD BE AS FAST, AS STRONG, AS SMART AS THE BEST OF THEM." Jason Todd. I remember that in a movie one woman told another: "Mother is god in the eyes of the child" there is interesting in this character Jason Todd, all tragedy lived in his childhood, the abuse and he has mixed feelings, love and resentment holding hands. Jason love and is angry with the man who was her father during ... what? two or three years? the bond was so strong that despite feeling betrayed, abandonment, rejection cannot break it. In a way the same Batman. Grifter is a character that I like, I feel that Matt has been able to take advantage of him, he's not Zdarky but he does it well. Tim's story felt too slow, I liked it, but I think he could have done better. I can't do much for the second backup story, he was too light, too childish. He felt completely out of place.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #6

Aug 10, 2021

"This isn't--This isn't you! God knows most days I wish it was, but..It's NOT. If you're going to come down for mount judgment to my level for one... He's not the guy to do it for." Jason Todd Great phrase a mature Jason, also as the development as a detective and strategist. I just hope they are not going to turn him into a Dick now Jason lays down his weapons, Jason needs to remain the indomitable, this does not mean that he goes and murders, but we all need an antihero and Jason is perfect and balanced to do it. Great moments are presented in this installment, the way they are affected by the drug and how to overcome it, is so different and at the same time so similar. I think the difference is because Jason's moments of happiness have been so few and conditioned. Bruce knew love with his parents and children. While Jason is incredulous towards happiness and how not to be so with so much betrayal and rejection (that hurts), he accepts Bruce, but his bitterness becomes so much that it destroys him inside to the point of almost murder.

Way of X (2021) #3

Jun 26, 2021

" Still, there is a certain strength in guest good, be the allies or otherwise, to note that we're as disciplined as we're dangerous. For this reason I remember you of the three laws enshrined in Krokoan nationhood. Remember: You ambition. My friends, tonight the world is watching. Let us give them a spectacle of our design." -Profesor X - This story is still one of my favorites, although this number was not so much. It's still deep, mutants are human and make the same mistakes if the bow that the arrow shoots is not strong enough.

Way of X (2021) #4

Jul 14, 2021

Task Force Z (2021) #5

Feb 23, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #6

Mar 23, 2022

I'm not something you bulge. I'm not a weapon. You raised me. You were a father to me and you brought me into this world of yours and all I got was pain, and death, and the constant reminders that I'll never measure up... I made Mistakes because I was scared, and I was angry, and I was hurt. You Know Why? Because the man who raised me wasn't there when I needed him. But I'm fucking trying here. So Now I'm trying to make right what I've where on my own and I just need him to trust me. Can't you just trust me here? -Jason Todd- This was hard boy, it literally took my breath away.

Task Force Z (2021) #8

May 24, 2022

YOU ALL KNOW I WASN'T I WASN'T KILLED WITH A CROWBAR, RIGHT? IT WAS A BOMB. I DIE TRING TO SAVE SOMEONE I CARED ABOUT. I GET THAT SAYING I GOT BRAINED BY A CROWBAR MAKES IT EASY TO PITY ME, BUT IT'S A COP-OUT. I DIE A HERO. THE CROWBAR CAN'T EXPLAIN WHY WE DONT SEE THE WORLD THE SAME WAY. -JASON TODD- In my opinion this was a great number, less than the previous one, the batfamily has terrible trust and communication problems, especially when it comes to jason.

Task Force Z (2021) #9

Jul 5, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #10

Jul 30, 2022

King Spawn #1

Aug 27, 2021

"IN LEVITICUS HE SAY: EAT THE FLESH OF YOUR SONS. GOD TOLD US THAT HE WOULD KILL THE FIRSTBORN SON OF EGYPT. THAT HIS WAS THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS." I can almost shake with this installment, great stories and exquisite art, I definitely want so much more of this.

King Spawn #2

Sep 25, 2021

Batman: The Knight (2022) #3

Mar 15, 2022

It is a round number, well shaped, the art is not negligible. A nice read. It is a pity that the publishing house is taking giant steps towards its disappearance, I pray for a miracle.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1  
Marauders (2019) #22

Jul 23, 2021

"Sebastian. She's eligible for resurrection protocols...because she never die." Emma Frost In this issue old secrets are unraveled, Emma played to win and possibly paid a high price to protect a friend.

Venom (2018) #35

Jun 16, 2021

"I went looking for the truth, and Lord help me I found it. I witnessed the void that drives us to spend our lives cultivating an inner darkness. It's blacker than ink, darker than the grave. I was there I touched it. " -Eddie Brock Wait a minute I need to breathe after that intro, it was just powerful. It was incredible, painful to see the price I pay the new king of the symbiotes, the king, the god of the symbiotes, in the end is only human. I get so excited, it was perfect full of ... you know what, just go and buy it, you won't regret it.

X-Men (2021) #2  
Future State: Gotham #2

Jun 9, 2021

"I'm sending you to the one place I can't go. Because you're the only person who can do this mission" Bruce Wayne. "Jason's always been..confused about his methods, but his heart is usually in the right place too." Tim Drake. Future State Gotham has a easy narrative, may it's looking for a younger market. This is the first volume I have taken of the event, and it doesn't strike, and it isn't bad. The lack of manga-like color is not very convincing to me, but I accept it. The story is relaxed, funny and what are comics made for if not to forget about reality. Therefore, in my opinion this comic fulfills its objective.

Future State: Gotham #3

Jul 14, 2021

"What about that new peacekeeper? He's gone too. But if h's down there with the inmates..Then he's already DEAD." The emotional charge is not that complex in this installment, the narrative was agile, it sees a lean towards the next Batman and I feel that DC's hand is here controlling the writing of Joshua W.

Future State: Gotham #5

Sep 22, 2021

"You more than anyone understand the sacrifice that must be made for the great good. Ours only real difference is a matter of scale." Warmonger. The art is not as fantastic as it should be in a comic, imitating a manga, the story is fun and relaxed, that's what I like here.

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 23, 2021

"This is my territory. This is my congregation. This is my mission I'm the" MoonKnight. From the bowels of darkness, where the monsters hidden in the dim lurk, only the light of the moon is capable of convincing them. LOL. Everything has been said about this installment, I liked it a lot, maybe the story could be better as some think or it was simply perfect as others say. I just want more of this.

Moon Knight (2021) #3

Sep 25, 2021

X-Men (2019) #20

Jun 11, 2021

X-Men (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #68

Jun 9, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #69

Jun 27, 2021

"I could have a friend who somehow doesn't somehow get dragged in to some evil-villain scheme that Spider-man has to rescue them from." -Peter Parker- Indeed, Parker seems doomed to be a magnet for tragic friendships. I hardly give a comic a bad rating, only that the way Spencer handled his departure from the series was by giving us this installment of frayed threads linked together by an ugly tie. It is not a delivery to use in a campfire, but if something disappointing, not when The amazing is usually a solid series.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6

Jun 26, 2021

"I helped build a world today...and I was happy...for the children... But then...then I thought of my children. And how I'd failed them. You are my daughter Wanda. You'll always be. And I will do what I must to make things right." -Magnus - Many challenges come with the terraformed of Mars, an etopia that if they are not careful can explode in their faces. An interesting great delivery, I really enjoyed reading it.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1  
Thor (2020) Annual #1  
Batman: Secret Files (2021): Clownhunter #1

Aug 19, 2021

"I've alone for years.I ain't afraid of it." Bao Pham Although Clownhunter isn't a great character, villain, anti-hero or heroe depending on the direction that DC things to give him, the story was not so bad.

Extreme Carnage (2021): Scream #1

Jul 14, 2021

"...But I can feel it. Making me dizzy. Where's it coming from? Can you hear it?! Calling to usss..!" Chilling proposal that I am willing to accept.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #18  
Heroes Reborn (2021): Weapon X & Final Flight #1  
Heroes Reborn (2021) #6

Jun 9, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #7

Jun 16, 2021

Once & Future #20  
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 16, 2021

"It's a fascinating question: Can a circuit of our most power-ful mutants resuscitate a dead word?" -Magnus. And this is how Magnus begins to lead a handful of mutants on a journey to build a new place for all them. Marvel is driving me crazy with these titles, this is possibly be the overture of the most important title and they can achieve it if they do not loosen up and I hope they achieve it for the first number has hit many of us with everything.

Robin (2021) #3  
Sinister War (2021) #2  
Something is Killing the Children #25  
Batman (2016) #109

Jun 26, 2021

"You can't stop the most dangerous villains before they start doing real damage. That fear is shaping Gotham city, Batman. You people want order. They need to feel certain that they won't get hurt again. " -Simon Saint- Strong words true words. Tynion has good writing when he wants to do it, but I think he needs to tone it down with the excess of new characters. Now are we going to have a black ivy? I did not like the last number with all that cyberpunk style, this number improved nicely, it could be that Tynion is taking the rhythm back. Only, like I said before, too weakly built new characters, I still don't really like the new Ghost-Maker or the punk girl.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #8  
Excalibur (2019) #22  
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1

Aug 19, 2021

"You are all choosing to suddenly honor the same arbitrary human limitations we've long since abandoned for ourselves...This is a choice you all are making. And it is the wrong one." - Erik Lehnsherr- It is the first time that a comic bothers me, I do not feel that Charles would be able to deny a father the rebirth of his son due to an old grudge. The story is good but the placement feels a bit strange here.

Detective Comics (2016) #1038

Jun 27, 2021

"It's hard not to feel the strike of someone's heart breaking. The snap inside your chest... When you lose that thing that makes you feel human." - Batman - And certainly Bruce / Batman know about this, being numb inside. Hell, I couldn't even get a decent opening sentence. Nor could find coherence in to unrealistic reactions. It has too many inconsistencies, exploding the place where they had Bruce captive, could be overstated by a hurt parent, But there doesn't make sense is the lack of evidence to lock up Bruce, only for mentioned one.

Detective Comics (2016) #1057

Mar 15, 2022

I admit it, I'm more of a Marvel reader, I found this issue interesting, the art not so much. Red Hood's quotes were great and the ending left me intrigued. Fulfilled for me.

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