ArianaRayne's Profile

Joined: Dec 29, 2018

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Overall Rating

Mediocre story, too political, and trying way too hard to push an agenda, the art however is nice. When I first picked up this book I didn't realize just how much it tried to be overly feminist and the overused feminist sayings and politics are in practically every page, even the twelve year old character was mentioning the "patriarchy". It's not even something you can ignore because as I said it's on every page, one page in particular sticks out because of how silly it was, it's a full page illustration of some preteen girls and they are all wearing shirts with slogans on them with super cheesy lines on them dedicated to feminism. There's nothing wrong with some subtle feminism but this is a little too in your face about it, to the point where it's almost hard to pay attention to anything else in the book because even background conversations are about politics. Maybe this book isn't for me, But I am a little disappointed because the art and story concept both have potential and are something that I'm interested in but in the end this book just feels a little too much like propaganda to me, so I won't be buying the next issues.

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