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Joined: Nov 11, 2017

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This graphic novel collects issues one to three of the limited series. Hotdog is the narrator of this issue. He is one cool canine. Archie and Jughead are talking and the conversation goes to who would win in a fight Betty or Veronica? The four friends are just hanging out. Hotdog does provide a brief assessment of the four friends. With Veronica though he has nothing. The other three are nice but Veronica is a mystery. These friends do get along well even though they are all quite different in personalities. In this issue they get a rallying theme. Save Pop's the chocolate shop. Poor Pop Tate. Wow you have to see Betty's expression at this news. Adam Hughes does capture the ideal face of a determined Betty. His drawings are subdued and lightly colored. They give the characters a laid back feel most of the time. Not though in this scene. Betty as well is portrayed more violently in regards to comments that Jughead makes. Poor guy is her punching bag if he mouths off. She does have one killer right cross. Page 19 and 20 they come out of left field the way they are handled. You will get a laugh out of them. This comic though is about Betty & Veronica. They do end up face to face and Betty is ready to rip off the cool calm Veronica's face. Things are heating up in the town of Riverdale. The backup story is a classic adventure of Betty and Veronica called "Birth of a Notion" story by Sy Reit, art by Dan DeCarlo, inks by Rudy Lapick and letters by Vince DeCarlo. This short story has Archie and Reggie getting into trouble with Betty and Veronica. It starts out so funny and ends just as funny. The poor boys do not have any idea what happened. This issue of Betty & Veronica is a great update to the classic tales. The cute way Hotdog talks to the readers is fantastic to see. Breaking the third wall is great. Betty looks amazing as a boxer in the fantasy sequence. Veronica looks stuck up. Betty and Ronnie are opposed here. Betty wants to save Pop's.

Cornelius, Zira, Dr. Zaius investigate finding a giant ape hidden behind the Statue of Liberty. The apes decide where there is one there might be more and they set off to find them. The apes set sail and have a long hard journey. They finally reach Africa. They rest than set sail again. As they sail they are attacked by a monstrous creature from the depths. The illustrations of apes gives them a soft subdued appearance. The colors are soft as well. When King Kong is shown you can feel his power. He is the King of his jungle. He is drawn as a massive creature of muscles and savagery. The story does drag on some on the finding of the giant ape and on the journey to Skull Island. Seeing King Kong still alive and well in this future does create some interesting and thought provoking ideas. How is it possible? King Kong is drawn looking every bit the King he is. He rules Skull Island. *Richard Vasseur*

Mister Edward Harcourt has just come out of a coma and his family has come to visit. Violet is the grandniece of Edward. Violet does have an attitude. Overall though she does come across as a good teen. Violet does meet Edward and will she become his heir? Heir to exactly what, his knowledge? The build up moves along slowly but holds your interest every step of the way. There is a mystery, a secret. Violet and Edward sit down for a chat and listen to some music. The art is good enough and does show off the estate and the people so you know who is who. Violet is illustrated as a cute sixteen year old. The mystery gets you interested in what is going on and wanting to know more. For a first issue this is done well and as we learn more the characters will come more alive and familiar.

The three dolls are in a fight for their lives. As the three ladies navigate through Ivan's CPU they encounter giant monsters. The girls do battle their way through the monsters in ghost busting style. These three hot sexy babes though are not shown off at all though. Their sexiness you do not get to see. The overall art needed to show off the battles better as well. Three babes fighting dinosaur like monsters and it is not all that exciting. Zombie Tramp losses her head even and it is so what type attitude. There needs to be a lot more excitement in this series. Plus a better use of poses both for showing off the fighting and the babes. The three babes are treated equally in this issue as a team which works best. They are three of the best looking babes around at least here in their faces.

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