DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape)'s Profile

Joined: Jul 27, 2015

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5/5 Rating...... I first heard about this series at the end of last year, and since then, it has been my most anticipated new series of the 2015 year! All I had to go off of was the name of the comic and its cover art: a fun, light-hearted cartoon style and coloring, but with a sinister smiling little girl, who has a bloody double-edged axe and bomb in hand, and is with a group of frightened, beat up and bloodied fairytale creatures screaming in fear around her. Not a clue what the plot was, but sign me up!..... I want you picture the most stereotypical, trope-y version of a story where a little girl is going to a fairyland. That bright happy world, with talking animals, a beautiful princess who gives a map to go on a quest across Peppermint Pike to Candy's Rock, and how happy and adorable that little girl in her own pink dress must feel about the everything. You have something like that in your head? Good. Now I want to take that plot, and all the tropes that came with, and literally throw them out the window! And instead replace that little girl with the most miserable, violent, vulgar, psychopathic, 35 years old women who is stuck in a child's body, and has been stuck in the magical fairy land, looking that fluffing key for 27 years!..... Skottie Young takes that classical fairy tale story, and throws it on its head!..... Read the full review at

5/5 Rating... And the plot thickens!... This issue has everything: the daughter, Angie, played a huge role, the ex-wife, Greer, comes back into the story, the cooking competition in the episode is intense and gruesome – I loved and cherished every single page of this issue!... As you should be able to tell by now, we are getting an excellent development of the characters and their dynamics. And as a reader, it is actually difficult for me to decide who I should feel sympathetic for – except for Angie; she such a sweetheart. The plot, as you should have also been able to tell from this review, is really taking off because of the introduction of Greer and Angie into the story now; this is not simply a story about Gavin trying to win back his show and put the rich in their place. When I read the first issue, I thought that this series was going to have a lot to offer, and this third issue completely confirmed that... Read the full review at

Wytches #1 Jul 27, 2015
ODY-C Vol. 1: Off to Far Ithica Jul 27, 2015

4.5/5 Rating... Now, it’s WAR!... Great follow-up to last month issue! My guilt of that I maybe should be feeling sympathy for Greer is gone. I hate that women. Gavin continues to prove why he is such a unique and great character. And as for the Starve episode, well, lets just say, there will be blood.... Read the full review at

4.5/5 Rating...... Apparently, Switch was originally being created as a fan project on DevianArt, but was then picked up to be a series. (Impressive, right?) This series actually takes place in the Top Cow universe of Witchblade (and The Darkness, Artifacts, and Angelus). Yet, if I hadn't been told me that, I never would have known. Did not feel lost once...... Really enjoyed this first issue. Which, I forgot to say, is 42 pages! I will most definitely be picking up issue #2 next month :)..... Read the full review at:

Wytches Vol. 1 Nov 21, 2015

4/5 Rating... Reminiscent of a classic horror story!... This was a SOLID debut issue. I wouldn't say anything scary happens, but there are many a nervous moments, the multiple plot lines did an excellent job of building up the suspense for moments to scare me later, and I hooked on try to figure out how all this is connected... Read the full review at

4/5 Rating... This first issue was great; Gavin is already a great character; I can't wait to see what this cooking comp is all about and how the rules work! I don't know if this comic is going to be a horror, or a thriller, or a mystery, or what - all I know is I'm going to keep reading, and already have issue #2 at my side to read... Read the full review at

4/5 Rating... The second issue was a mix for me. Somethings I felt were greatly improved - like Gavin's characters and the plot - while some other things I felt fell off - like other characters, panel selection, and the plot, again... What this issue does focus on and choose to advance, it does so excellently. Gavin's character is so badass, and I love how Brain Wood is using Starve to show the discrepancies between rich and poor. However, there were just those few things where the comic let me down, and I know they could have done better... I think this comic is amazing!... Read the whole review at

4/5 Rating..... And so this brings us to the end of Starve season one. While this wasn’t the most action-packed or tension-filled issued, one thing it did have was plot twists. Multiple jaw dropping plot twists!..... Weirdly enough, with all the shocking turn of events and major plot twists, I was left feeling underwhelmed with ending. All that hype leading up, and the last page made me say “that’s it?” Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond excited for the next part of the series to see what next season has in store and to see where the Gavin’s story is going to go now. But recent events have me a little confused as to where that direction may be. Super excited, but slightly confused about what will happen now..... Issue #1 may have started out as a story about a chef trying to regain control of his hit TV show, but it has slowly been evolving well beyond that, and this issue was a set in a new direction..... Read the full review at

3.5/5 Rating... I think this series has the makings to be something unique and great. This debute issue wasn't as strong as I felt it could have been - not the most original with the way the plot is unraveling, but the content matter is very original, and really believe that this cyberpunk-martial art story is going to take off next issue. I will undoubtably be picking up issue #2 to see what happens... Read the rest of the review at:

3.5/Rating..... I’m torn with what to do. On one hand, this comic is almost a perfect example of what it entails to create a compelling plot; to have readers at the store picking up the next issue the day of its release! One the other hand, this comic is almost a perfect example of how you don’t want to tell a story; how you can make readers hesitate with wether or not to continue with series...... My recommendation is to wait for volume one to come out. That’s what I’m going to do. I think I’ll probably enjoy the series more if I can read all the issue back to back. It’s still a very good comic, and if I had the money to spare, I’d probably still buy the monthly issues – but I don’t, and there are new series starting in September and October than I am excited about...... Read the full review at

2.5/5 Rating..... Has anyone who has ever played video games not wanted to somehow jump in that game and make it your reality? I know I have. That's why I love the anime Fantasy Star Online, the show Video Game High School, and the novel Soda Pop Soldier (my review). Being able to somehow jump into the game, or make the games appear to be more of a reality, would be beyond awesome! I'm always going to pick up a story like that! With this new comic series, Axcend, we have another series where our protagonist is able to jump into a game's world. If this were a video game though, it would be equivalent to all graphics and no gameplay..... Axcend sounds like a great idea for a story. A troubled teen looses someone very close to him. He becomes somewhat rebellious and withdrawn from who he usually is, and to escape the reality of this situation he turns to video games. Suddenly, said video game brings him into the world, and, presumably, he finds a new love and happiness in this game's world, and that is where we find the story's main plot and conflict. But that vague outline is about how deep the comic actually went :/..... There is always the possibility that things could change in the next issue. It does end with quite a shocker - but that one shocker is not enough. I can't say anything was done bad here, but I can say everything about it felt generic. There was nothing for me to latch on to. Even video game itself, maybe if what the game was had been explored it'd be different - but it wasn't. And despite that ending, I have zero interest in going on. If you an artist though, maybe want to pick this up. Otherwise..... Read the full review at:

2.5/5 Rating: This just was okay. I think it has a ton of potential, but there wasn't anything happening this time that hooked me. I'm not going to be getting issue #2. It is going up from $1.99 to $2.99. It's only a buck, but I rather get an issue of a series I like or wait for something new. I wouldn't recommend this series - that doesn't mean it's bad or you wouldn't like it - but I'd say wait to hear more about what happens with the next couple issues. If things get better, I will totally be getting the trade paperback when it comes out. Read the full review at

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