RumBlossom's Profile

Joined: Apr 01, 2015

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Overall Rating

It got much better. Character story origins, love triangles and more murder. Intense cliffhangers make me love this series.

Hilarious and worth the price. I need more Deadpool in my life! It was wonderful seeing what Wade wished he looked like. Seeing Wade at the end all looking all Burt Renolds-esk was great!

Much funnier than expected. Each panel had some sort of joke that had me rolling. This has got to be a classic in the making. Hilarious and everyone needs to give this a try and not to buy issue #2.

Yea... This hits the sweet spot of comics for me. Howard shows some emotional background story and is still hilarious. Feathered and furry friends working together and are the backbone of this issue making me want more interaction of the same. Howard dealing with humans is great, but with other animals he seems more human. Gritty artwork is a nice contrast to the writing. Pick up this series of you want to live.

Lots of depth shown in this issue. I assumed the worst of Josie as a cold blooded killer and this was added at the correct time. Action or suspense on each page left me loving this one.

I literally picked this up from the cover art and was not even aware it included gladiator Steve Rogers with a Trex. It was amazing and you need this in your life. Funny and absurd - I think Secret Wars allowed for that in this case. 1 thing I think everyone is beating to death is the Steve Rogers looking for Bucky and trying to save him and it needs to end. I'd rather see them fighting together and Steve not seeking him out because Bucky is in danger. I love the romance between these two, but come on - I don't always like thinking Bucky as the damsel in distress~

Gore and action picks up with Deadpool kicking ass in this issue. Artwork is great too and adds to the creepiness of the story. Lots of details in the artwork that make it believable. Picking up the remaining issues for sure.

Really grotesque and I usually don't like that type of thing - the coloring is still great and very funny. I am sad this is ending so soon and I need to pick up the original Night of the Living Deadpool if it is half as good as this one. This was my favorite release of the week.

Best one yet - shows real growth in characters and a focus. I can't wait to read more. Artwork is interesting - fits the theme and looks dirty but you can see everything going on. Artwork and story work well together.

This issue was everything! From the first page to the last it delivers on all points. It is imaginative and fun. Artwork shows character expressions and emotion very well. Maybe could use the panel space better during the fights, but coloring is great.

I really liked the different look of the artwork in the mini-stories of the issue. I think this is my favorite issue so far. You get a little more ass kicking and it was compelling. I might have to balance my reviews of every future issue against this one... pick it up!

Pleasantly surprised by this first issue. It is very reminiscent of Rocket Racoon and I like that. There were some flow problems in the first couple pages and when I read the preview because Rocket is trying to explain what Groot is thinking, but it gets more relaxed and the flow begins with more people introduced as the story progresses. He does show a lot of emotion for a tree. I am looking forward to his adventures alone!

I liked seeing her deal with an overall bad dude and how she holds her own. Not sure why but would have liked more grit and to see her struggling afterwards physically or emotionally but she puts on that stepford wife front, which is what I guess the comic is about. I hope the story continues after the 5 issues to explore more. Action was good and the costumes/artwork were amazing.

I didn't read night of the living Deadpool but I loved this one. Concise intro to the story so I wasn't feeling lost, not that there was much to explain I suppose, but still made it seem like a brand new story instead of a continuation. His sidekick is interesting and a nice play against his humor. I have no idea how this will end and will be waiting each week to see what happens- what can he do to save humanity that he hasn't already done!?

I guess I'm the audience they were trying to reach with this comic because I loved it. It is silly, but not in a dumb or G rated way. Get your sexualized or dark jokes in other comics. Everyone should have a love for that cartoonish type humor and this is the comic to get for that. It's not all blackness, boobs and blood. Not much action in the first comic because there's some setup with her background, but it will pick up. Obsessed with her cards and am interested seeing how she solves her problems in a different way at times. Give this one a shot.

Great issue regarding the storyline. Sets up some really cool happenings hopefully in the future. Hilarious as usual. Artwork seemed a little rushed in spots with little attention to detail so it is not a 10/10. Still, this series is getting stronger as it continues.

Worth picking up for sure. Lots of action and twists galore. Artwork adds a lot to the writing and they work seamlessly. Interesting characters and basis for the series. You must pick this up!

Great artwork and action intro to her story, but not much explanation of this new characters. The mother in law aspect is strange to me- unessesary and in the way of an already short series. She seems to struggle physically more than I would have guessed for an experienced killer, but the action does get better as the issues go along.

Maybe spent too much time with her obsessing over the new boy and a long setup with the suit, but it still made me laugh throughout. I was intrigued and surprised with how she solves problems. Sort of refreshing. But enough with this- let's see her kick some baddy butts in the next issue!

Very strong start - engaging and makes me want to seek out some of these "new" (new to me as a newcomer to comics) female characters. Artwork is great. I was very confused about the whole Battlefield and Secret Wars stuff, but this was a nice intro and explained some of the information quickly. It's on my pull list!

Based on amazing first 2 issues this one wasn't amazing until you get to the end story. I liked it better than the comic story itself and they are an amazing little addition.

Better than expected. It took me a few pages in to get used to his speaking, but I ended up really falling for his earnest nature and willingness to protect a friend. I do see this coming back to create some problems in the future of course. Artwork was interesting too with the detail they put into the main characters, but more easy approach to everyone else. I have been searching for a DC comic that was funny and kept my interest (after failing with the highly rated Gotham Academy) and think this one might be the only DC in my pull list for now.

Beautiful as usual. I was hoping to get more answers or a reasoning for all her actions in this comic, but looks like we have to wait for the final issue if at all. Costumes and artwork are great, but nothing incredibly shocking or unexpected about the overall story. Seems like a place marker for the ending, but it had some wonderful interactions and layout between Josie's boss and a couple in the last few pages.

The addition of spider-ham (?!) to provide some break from the brooding girl in trouble makes this issue worlds better than #1 for me. Artwork is interesting, but still ugly looking characters (even the good guys). They of course do it on purpose and don't want to stylize them too much, just a little different from what I usually like. Coloring is great though. Story picked up and this issue doesn't really explain the previous issue, but it takes it slower on a new reader like me which I liked.

Very funny and I liked how they started at the end seemingly and came back around. I am still waiting to see Squirrel Girl kick some villain ass instead of just talking things out and it seems like her squirrel friends are doing more butt kicking than her. Storyline is just ok - jokes are great and artwork is great!

Completely adorable, but did not blow me away. I can see them having a lot of fun in the future though. Reoccurring jokes were not good- my only complaint. But the cuteness got me. Will be adding to my pull list and looking forward to the next issue. Visually vibrant and expressive.

This issue seems a little sad for me! Deadpool's jokes are off this time (ie. sad and not funny), but the artwork is still great and the turn surprised me a bit. I have no idea what is coming up next issue to wrap this up, but I will be picking it up to find out.

Nice ending regarding his death. The rest of the issue is unmemorable, well I did like the dog story. Roast at the end could have been much better. For $10 it was an expensive purchase as far as the content was concerned, but nobody could have stopped me seeing exactly how Deadpool dies.

Predictable and boring ending to a great series! Artwork still wonderful and would love to see a spinoff.

Review mainly based on the artwork. It's pretty bad and distracting. Story is basically expected although this issue is a low found far and few between along this great series.

The artwork has lots of detail, but has some very ugly characters that I am mezmorized by. I admit I havnt read any of the spider verse issues so I was very lost. I didn't get many of the references and they assume I already know what's going on. It seemed to pick up right in the middle of a story. I'm sticking with it for a couple more issues to see how it pans out.

Better than issue #1, but still not funny or engaging enough to continue for me. Writing still seems stiff and "unfinished" sketchy look of artwork seems strange to me. I can see how some people would like this new character, but I don't see it.

Solid introduction to this character. I really appreciate the different viewpoint this provides, but the writing and artwork seem stale. I think it was hard for me to find something to connect to with this character or her upbringing and want to continue reading.

I gave this enough of a shot I think. It is so full of angst that it hurts! There are many blank action panels and most of them don't show enough detail for me to appreciate the lack of wording or understand exactly what is happening. I was looking for something funny and interesting along the lines of Spider-man, but I suppose Gwen cannot just get over it so easily yet. But everyone else in the comic is a downer too minus Spider-ham. I have to say this isn't so fun for me and yes, I do look for fun in my comics.

Every single "joke" (if you can call them that) fell completely flat. I had high hopes for Bat-mite and expected sillier humor and funnier jokes. He just came off as annoying and I did not laugh even once. The villains had more humor and interest than the main character. I would pick up the next issue to see how it turns out, but Bat-Mite would have to be completely gone from the issue. Artwork was forgettable. I wish Bat-Mite was even more cartoonish than everyone else, but the book was fairly bland throughout and not very exciting. I would generally buy 2 or 3 issues to give it a chance, but this is only a few issues anyway so I might just skip this altogether.

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