Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Necessary Evil Pt. 1

Writer: Ryan Parrott, Sina Grace Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo, Francesco Mortarino, Daniel Bayliss Publisher: Boom! Studios Trade Paperback: January 24, 2024, $29.99 Issues: 12, Issue Reviews: 117
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Following the events of Shattered Grid, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers face the fallout from their war with Lord Drakkon including new teammates, mysterious allies, and terrifying new threats.

Tommy must prove he's worthy of the mantle as the White Ranger's true origin is revealed! Meanwhile, Jason, Trini, and Zack assume new mantles as the Omega Rangers and must choose between their friends and their mission. And even though the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are torn apart, they must defend Angel Grove from the greatest threat they've ever faced - the dreaded Lord Zedd!

The writing duo of New York Times bestseller Ryan Pa more

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