Musketeers #1
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Musketeers #1

Writer: Terry Kavanagh Artist: Daniel Maine Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: February 21, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.8Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

A new team is introduced to the Grimm Universe! A group of super powered beings calling themselves the Musketeers has emerged in Philadelphia. Using their powers to help those in trouble as well as to give themselves a lifestyle befitting champions, the line between hero and villain is easily blurred and while the team see their actions as justified the city's police force has their own ideas...ones that will see the Musketeers locked away.

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Mar 3, 2018

    The premise is established and the heroes are shown in action, so let the fun begin! I like these characters, I like the twists on the final pages, and the visuals are fine. Brighter colors would improve the art. It's got everything you want in a comic, with some very engaging heroes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Feb 21, 2018

    Within the confusing narrative of the premiere issue for The Musketeers , there are still some bright moments hidden within the promising artwork of the title. Although we may not completely understand the story due to lack of character buildup, it is the excitement of dynamic illustrations and complex colors which allow us to feel intrigued by the intensity of the tale. Hopefully as the story progresses both elements will coordinate to make a cohesive tale, but for now, it is the talent of the artistic team which makes us willing to come back for more. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Word Of The Nerd - Joshua Page Feb 20, 2018

    Filled with great artwork and decent writing, Musketeers #1 is definitely a fun little story. Though there was quite a bit of exposition, I believe a lot of that is due to this being the start of a miniseries. I think having Musketeers be an eight to twelve issue series would benefit it well. It would give Terry Kavanagh more time to develop characters further and build up more of the fantastical world Musketeers #1 is set. Overall, Musketeers adds to the Grimm Universe and is pretty fun, but lacks memorability. Read Full Review

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