WHAT THE GEMINI SAW: Bloody Bones... Bloody Bones... Bloody Bones... All is revealed about the demonic entity that has invaded the students' nightmares and murdered their friends. While they are now armed with information, will it help them stand against a creature older than time itself?
As we are awe struck by this remarkable story of Bloody Bones' past, we cannot dismiss that it was Karen who made it all possible. How was such a little girl is able to deconstruct the defences of Maka when Shang could not leaves us to wonder how she will affect the future of Arcane Acre. It will be a pleasure to see how Shand and Johnson will gingerly escort us into this brave new world. Read Full Review
Despite the familiar, almost retreading of certain key points and story beats, the book does remain a somewhat enjoyable read. The fact the series has run so long, shows that there is a fan-base for this book and the various characters that call the school a home. I am hoping that Shand is building to a big conclusion with which to bow out. Read Full Review