Ex Machina #9

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Tony Harris Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 21, 2005

    Tony Harris turns in some lovely work on this issue. There are some lovely character moments in this issue that are well presented by the art, from Jackson's misplaced anger in the opening pages, to the expression on the FBI agent's face in the final panel of her visit to Mitch's hospital room. The art also manages to nicely capture the abrupt nature of the press conference attack, as the pained expression on Mitch's face is a convincing indication of a serious attack. However, the real impact of the art would have to be the way that it sells the growing sense of danger that comes from the subway attack, from the highly disturbing reveal shot of what is discovered in the subway, to the tremendous impact of that final page. How can this image not leave one counting the days until the next issue? I also loved this issue's cover image. It should be released as a poster. Read Full Review

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