Readers might be interested to note I was late to the party when it came to this series, and had been reading in trades until recently catching up with the floppies. This is the first installment I've read as it's been released, and I can say without any doubt that the series reads just as well as a serial as it does in big, heaping servings. Ex Machina is the type of comic that's so damn good it's intimidating. Read Full Review
All-around, a fantastic issue. Read Full Review
The story has been kind of sagging a bit in recent months, as Suzanne Padilla has moved into place to be a credible threat, but this issue sets her up as the true villain of this arc, and possibly even the second half of the series. I didn't care for the reveal that his powers were designed to soften up Earth for invasion during the last arc, so I'm glad to see this story moving more towards the political maneuverings that brought me onboard so long ago. With the end of the series seemingly close (writer Bryan K. Vaughan has stated that the book will run fifty issues) I'm wondering how the wrap-up will go. It's been a subtle point, almost missed, that the series so far has been told by a bitter Mitch Hundred in flashback, so I'm wondering if he will make it to the White House, or even if he'll make the end of his term as Mayor. It's weird for me to realize that this book that I picked up as a lark has been ongoing for five years, and has been near the top of the read stack most of that Read Full Review