Despite all this good work, however, there's somehow a nagging sense that not a lot really happens this issue, and that things are very much ticking along in anticipation of the book's next chapter. Whilst it's never anywhere close to being a bad comic, Ex Machina does have occasional lapses where an individual issue fails to live up to the high standard of the rest of the series, and this is one of those times. In juggling a few disparate plot strands which each demand resolution in the arc's final issue next month, Vaughan hasn't given us anything really meaty to get our teeth into in this penultimate instalment - and the result is a transitional chapter with a fair few good scenes, but which doesn't make for the most thrilling read in its own right. Having said that, a middling issue of Ex Machina is still a lot better than most other comics out there, and I'm happy to continue on this ride to see where the story goes next. Read Full Review
The Power Down story arc will also keep most readers guessing. While in the flashback beginning Mitchell seems to revel in his powers, in the present of 2003 he seems more thrilled to be free from them. Whether this has anything to do with the sinister changes that Zeller hints at or not, its hard to say, but the last few pages will leave readers as confused as the mayor. Except well be looking forward to the conclusion. Read Full Review