Ex Machina #19

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Tony Harris Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Apr 10, 2006

    After a mildly faltering last issue, Vaughn and Harris are back to the top of their game here. Real-world relevance, a mature take on the complexities of politics (both global and personal) and a great mystery all add up to make this arc one of the most essential reads since Ex Machina began. Vaughn even finds time to lay tiny clues for the hard-core fans to keep them guessing as to exactly how and why Hundred got his powers, with another reference to The Stars are Down this issue providing fodder for those who are following the series ongoing thread. Yet somehow, its no longer those parts of the story which keep me coming back to the book its the essentially relevant subject matter of the politics, and the way in which Hundred deals with it which is the cornerstone of the books appeal for me. Vaughn and Harris did a smart thing in originally selling this book as a superhero comic with occasional political elements, because it hooked enough readers in that they could take t Read Full Review

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