Ex Machina #12

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 23, 2005

    Tony Harris continues to bring a sense of realism to these pages that is key to this book's success, as even the more fantastic elements of the title manage to convey the sense that they are taking place very much in the real world. I mean there's a wonderful looking sequence in this issue where we see the Great Machine working to keep a suicidal man from crashing his helicopter into the Statue of Liberty, and the art perfectly captures the idea that our hero spends most of this encounter distracted by how he's going to save the day that he nearly gets himself killed. The visual design of the new hero is also quite impressive as how can one not help but be impressed by the visual impact of that final page. I also rather enjoyed the extra little details, like the little strap that keeps our new hero from losing his gun, or the bored body language of the people standing in line at the courthouse. The cover image is also pretty impressive as I love the fact that our hero looks like he's j Read Full Review

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