Astro City: Local Heroes #2

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Brent Anderson Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 16, 2003

    They don't come much better than this issue, as Kurt Busiek once again knocks one out of the park in the pages of Astro City. This issue is the perfect blending of Silver Age goofiness, with modern day cynicism, as one would have to be a pretty cool customer not to be moved by the big exchange that leaves Irene a shell of her former self. Now one can see the obvious parallels that exists between the relationship between Irene & Atomicus, and the Superman/Lois Lane relationship from the Silver Age, and perhaps it's the knowledge that the latter relationship had itself a happy ending that made this issue's divergent path so powerful. In any event this is the issue that currently has my vote for best single issue of the year, and it's easily one of Kurt Busiek's strongest efforts in quite some time. If you're not currently reading Astro City, at least give this issue a read to see what you've been missing. Read Full Review

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