Dragon Ball Super Vol. 4

Writer: Akira Toriyama Artist: Toyotarou Publisher: Viz Release Date: January 2, 2019 Cover Price: $9.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Goku Black's identity has been revealed as Zamas, the lord of lords from Universe 10! But he's not alone-his counterpart from the parallel universe has teamed up with him and, thanks to the super Dragon Balls, they are nearly unstoppable! In the present, Goku trains with Master Roshi to perfect the Mafuba and seal Zamas away. Meanwhile, Kai -shin takes Lord Gowas, Zamas's mentor, to the parallel universe to try and push his former pupil back to being good!

  • 8.0
    Anime UK News - Cold Cobra Feb 3, 2019

    Dragon Ball Super Volume 4 pushes on with the Future Trunks arc, and were nearly at its end. In some ways it has less story than the anime, but in others it's added a lot more to it, so its actually very interesting to read the manga now Im fully familiar with the anime version. All these different timelines and versions of characters might get confusing for some, but in reality its a rough backdrop for a bunch of action, and the action is well drawn and often quite innovative. Recommended, if thats all youre looking for! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Trevor Richardson Jan 24, 2019

    Overall, this was a volume of Dragon Ball Super that looked great but failed to really keep me interested in the action. Read Full Review

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