With the true face of an old friend revealed, Violet Paige must fight her way free or risk Mother Panic becoming a part of Gala's grisly art exhibit. Back at home a disturbing revelation about Rebecca's mental state comes to light. Includes the finale of "Gotham Radio" by the acclaimed team of Jim Krueger and Phil Hester!
With the Young Animal line dealing with a weird crossover event with Justice League coming up and Mother Panic being a part of that with a Batman/Mother Panic special, this series feels like it's hit a concluding point that makes me really kind of surprised and unhappy. I love what Houser and the rotating art teams did on this title and I want a lot more of it, which I hope will get picked up with either a new series or a continuation in 2018. This issue works a lot of things out and puts Violet in a new place, using the Mother Panic name and getting closer to her mother while also cutting more ties to her past in a brutal way. This is definitely a very fun book with some great designs that fits perfect in the Young Animal imprint. More, please! Read Full Review
In the backup story, Gotham Radio, we finally get the conclusion of this mini-story from Krueger and Hester. In my last review, I mentioned how Hester and Krueger took full advantage of the 3 page format. This issue, however, I’ll admit to being a little lost at first, not realizing at first that we were finally face-to-face with the killers of Danny Ruby. The conclusion itself feels like a bait-and-switch “How the hell was I supposed to see coming?” but in the end, I really enjoyed it. Krueger did a good job with the dialogue to make the reader understand the motivation behind the killing. However, the mystery of the vigilante killer is revealed, so we’ll see if Gotham Radio continues. Read Full Review
"Mother Panic" has closed one chapter and is ready to open another once all this 'Milk Wars' business is over. Read Full Review
Recently while reading Batwoman, it occurred to me that there is little difference between the characters Batwoman and Mother Panic. Both fight crime in Gotham City. Both are lesbians. Both suffered traumatic childhood experiences that have helped shape their adult selves. Tome, one them is redundant, but I'm uncertain which. But the upside is, if you enjoy one youll probably enjoy both. Read Full Review
Mother Panic does create intriguing mysteries surrounding Violets past. I like being in this world and have a lot of questions about the characters I do want answered. However, more care should be taken with clearly telling the stories at hand. I am not going to ding this issue's rating too badly because of it because I am enjoying the title. But it is something I am concerned about for the book. Read Full Review
There's an ending... of sorts. It's a bit rushed and not nearly as satisfying as I'd have hoped, however, that's likely more an indictment on the publishing schedule/plan than anything between the covers. Read Full Review
A strange end to this arc. It raises more questions than it answers and not in a good way. While there is certainly a set up for a new angle, there's a lot of unresolved issues that may muddle what comes next. Read Full Review