After one issue the Haunted Tank is off to a great start. Im really excited to see how this series plays out and cant wait for more hilarity to surely ensue. Its the reason I gave it a shot in the first place, and it didnt disappoint. Read Full Review
I haven't read anything written by Frank Marraffino before, but this is a strong Vertigo debut. This "Haunted Tank" is a more than worthy follow-up to the Kanigher classic. Read Full Review
But that's the thing about this young title – as hectic and all-over-the-place as it is, it's still immensely interesting, mostly thanks to the sheer weirdness of the central concept. There is a chance that Frank Marraffino can turn things around and lock into the right voice, but it looks like it could take a while. Read Full Review
While this issue is entertaining enough on its own, the entire story is eclipsed by the character of General J.E.B. Stuart. With his florid, poetic language and his flamboyant, anachronistic appearance, he grabs most of the attention and gets the best lines. All the other characters, including Jamal, can't really hold their own in their scenes with him. One would think the ghostly general is the lead character, not the tank crew. If this keeps up, they might as well change the title of this book to "General Stuart and His Not-so-Amazing Friends." Read Full Review