Strap into your seats, because it's all about to get wild as the penultimate issue of Wasted Space's second arc comes in hot! Rich jerks! A pesky nuke! Cute, furry aliens! It's all here!
Just another great issue of Wasted Space. The creative team continues to push the sense of storytelling freedom that has been present in this book from its start, and the results are a wonderful thing to be reading. Read Full Review
Presenting apathy and asociality as a possible means for a chosen hero to alter a system, "Wasted Space" #9 paves a bold and interesting way forward. Read Full Review
Wasted Space #9 was one of the more dramatic issues in the series so far, but since it concludes a major plot that makes sense. It was an intense read, one that elicited emotional reactions, one of which being shock. Despite that (and possibly because of) it was still absolutely worth reading. Read Full Review