Unity has faced every evil that's come at them and lived...but can they survive humankind's darkest menace? When a mysterious new threat rears its head, the Eternal Warrior has encountered it throughout history...and it's barely been defeated! Now he must marshal Unity if there's any hope of defeating...THE WAR-MONGER!
Unity #19is a solid and entertaining issue that does a superb job in introducing a new and exciting villain. I was not feeling the character at all in the brief appearance last issue but now I just want to see more especially considering the last sequence. This issue is a masterful buildup to what could be expected based on Warmonger's backstory even though I'm not sure how she figured out something no one else could. (No spoilers). However, after seeing her capabilities I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue and seeing how this story arc unfolds. All I know is that Unity will have its hands full, and it should be good. Read Full Review
It's a strong issue and a good jumping-on point for new readers (which would include me), as it kicks off a new story. Recommended! Read Full Review
Unity # 19 gives us a grand introduction to our latest villainess and she is just fun from start to finish. Her intentions are quite clear and her history is really interesting. Kindt's writing continues to be the top of his game. And while the art for both the present and the past are really good, it might be a bit too much of a change for other readers. Still, they creative team did a great job here. Read Full Review
I am more than confident Kindt will deliver yet another successful Unity story arc. Of that I have no worries. Neither should you. Read Full Review
The art style was okay, surprisingly better than the story for this first part. But what this issue of Unity suffered from visually is multiple artists, four in fact. It was only really that part explaining War-Monger's past which looked best. The detail, color, capturing of the barbaric life she was born into.That right there was the best part of Unity #19 because you could see what truly lied within her heart beneath what looked human. Evil in a small package so to speak. Beyond this the other styles were not working as there was no consistency with the quality, and that is something we tend to expect with a majority of Valiant titles picked form the shelves. Read Full Review
Unity has placed an added emphasis on character history as of late, something that continues as the book begins its latest arc. In an interesting twist of pace, writer Matt Kindt focuses that same introspective eye towards the book's newly introduced adversary, War-Monger, issue #19 serving as more origin story than true jumping on point. Read Full Review
Unity #19 is a well executed origin story for War Monger, spends a little too much time telling readers what is going on rather than showing. Read Full Review
Each of the Unity story arcs are original and exciting in their own way. Despite the visual disconnect in this issue, it is still a solid and enjoyable storyline. Read Full Review
I will probably thumb through the next issue and see if it's about the same as this issue. If it is, then I'll just wait until the next story arc which is one of the good things about the structure of this series. Each arc is in a way its own series; the numbering just continues. This issue was all over the place and while I'm giving it a pretty low score, just know that I would still rate this book and series higher than anything I've read from Marvel or DC recently, just so you have some context and comparison. Maybe next month will be better, maybe others will enjoy War-Monger, but I highly doubt either of those two things given what this issue had to offer. Read Full Review