The major leagues are calling!
Now that Eric and Woody Henderson know they have what it takes to save the day, they finally have a shot at going pro - and they're in luck, because UNITY might just be making a comeback! But the brothers aren't ready for primetime just yet...they still have to audition for their spots, under the watchful eyes of G.A.T.E. and X-O Manowar!
Start stretching now, 'cuz you don't want to pull a muscle when rising star writer Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks) and fan-favorite artist Francis Portela (FAITH) begin tryouts for the biggest and best superhero team around in this sensational one-shot finale!
Rahal definitely ends the series on a high note and left me completely fulfilled as both a comic reader and massive Quantum and Woody fan. Read Full Review
I have enjoyed these twelve issues and I wish it could go on but I am happy with what Valiant gave comic fans. Read Full Review
When it comes to Quantum and WoodyValiant certainly saved the best for the last, and it's a shame to see the series end on such a brilliant story. All I wanted after finishing this issue was to count down the days to the next issue – but that, ultimately isn't going to happen. Like I said, it's a shame. Read Full Review
It's an entertaining title that focuses of humor (with some super-hero action tossed in for good measure), and hopefully we'll see their story continued in the near future. Read Full Review
I feel like every week another book I love is coming to an end. Rahal's run on Quantum and Woody is no exception. This book taught me to love these two numbskulls and their insane adventures. Valiant has some great comedy titles and this series will hold its place next to all of them. This issue wasn't the most exciting, but it ended a run I've loved to almost near perfection. Read Full Review
I wholeheartedly recommend this series, and it is only 12 issues, so why not go back, pick them up and have a good time? There will be a hole in the Valiant lineup for humor now, so enjoy those Q&W back issues!!! Read Full Review