Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Cary Nord Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: November 5, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 3
7.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

The Eternal Warrior...Gilad Anni-Padda, the Earth's Fist and forever charged with guarding the Geomancer and securing the Earth's safety. After completing another brutal mission, the Earth's undying guardian is approached with a cryptic task: fi nd and save a baby - in whose hands might rest the fate of an entire people. But the Eternal Warrior is no nursemaid...and, to complicate matters, a thousand Magyar invaders want the baby dead. At the edge of civilization, can history's most expert killer keep one precious life alive?

  • 9.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - AJ Nov 8, 2014

    Cary Nord's pencils and Brian Reber's colours are absolutely fantastic here. The painted quality to the artwork lends itself well to the kind of story that Peter is telling and I enjoyed every scene with Gilad. He has a… presence and the artists are able to capture that. And the action scenes, well, they are something else too. Speed and ferocity in equal measure that really get across how skilled a man Gilad is, given his endless years of experience in the art of killing. And the period scenes, involving the fights between the Franks and the Magyars also strike me as rather authentic, helping to pull me further into the story. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Nov 5, 2014

    Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 is a solid start to the series, and the premise is made even more interesting with Gilad's character development and relationship with the Geomancer. And what was at stake was made clear through Greg Pak's excellent writing and the artwork, which captured the gravitas of the Magyar's slaughter of the Franks. I had some doubts about how exciting this series could be based on him being relatively unimpressive during the Armor Hunters event but he's truly in his element here, and I'm as intrigued to know the significance of the outcome in Gilad's mission to protect this newborn. So I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Nov 7, 2014

    The collaboration of artists Cary Nord and Brian Reber is perfect for this book; Nord's character expressions paired with Reber's vibrant colors are trademark for the EW series we've seen, along with the X-O Manowar books. Check out Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel this week"it's one of the strongest debuts I've seen in a while. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - RobertJCross Nov 6, 2014

    I'm kinda bummed this is only a 3-issue arc. Great start so far. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 5, 2014

    Eternal Warrior has returned at long last to our pull lists with another series of his own. This story though not an ongoing has a lot of potential as long as we stick to a Gilad that is someone we admire as that warrior who has been there, done that, and looks for meaning in the things he has to do. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Anderson Nov 11, 2014

    This title promises to present a darker and more bloodthirsty aspect of Valiants wildly imaginative inter-related universe that the more comedic or high-concept sci-fi titles books seldom touch upon, and as a first issue is wholly impressive and engrossing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Herald - Bill Zeiders Nov 5, 2014

    This is a great introduction to the character of the Eternal Warrior. I went in to this issue completely cold, and it made me want to read more about this character. The exploration of the themes of losing one's faith and purpose, paired with the great looking art make for a great read. If you like the sword (or axe) swinging adventure of Thor and Conan, definitely pick this one up. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Nov 6, 2014

    More effective is the art by Nord. What his panels lack in clarity he makes up for in design, his layouts unique and appealing. The Eternal Warrior is known for smashing heads and cleaving bodies, and Nord renders the book's violence well, his Gilad appropriately fierce and convincing in his prowess. Brian Reber adds to the book's tone, mixing muted, hazy colors with more intense and vibrant hues to create the sense of days long past. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Jan 21, 2015

    I wish I could recommend this book, it's not bad at all. But their is just so much to choose from these days, that I can't help but feel you could spend your four bucks on better books. There is promise here, to be sure, and hopefully it will be realized in upcoming issues. But not yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 10, 2014

    There is plenty of action in this comic book, and it all looks great, but a considerable amount is in the past. The middle of "Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel" #1 slows a bit, measuring out the pacing for this first issue. Milligan, Nord, Reber and Sharpe pack plenty into this first issue of this Eternal Warrior miniseries to welcome in any reader, regardless of their depth of knowledge of the Valiant Universe in general or Gilad Anni-Padda in particular. Now embedded in the heart of the Frank-Magyar war, Gilad's latest adventure is just beginning. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Alex Mansfield Nov 4, 2014

    This is a first issue, undoubtedly, but it doesn't allow itself to get bogged down in set-up. It certainly highlights the beginnings of a crisis of conscience for our lead character, but that's also the appeal of learning more. How far can Gilad be pushed before he is broken? Too much time is spent reiterating the particular doubts (we get it, no matter what he does nothing changes) but it's all still a valid and potentially richinterpretation of the character. It moves swiftly and still delivers the requisite action and conflict, but provides an inciting story element in a savior baby that Gilad may very well be playing Mr. Mom to in future installments. That alone should be enough to keep you coming back. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - David Craig Nov 5, 2014

    However, as much as I did enjoy this issue I really struggle to get past just how weak Milligan's supporting characters are, and as these characters are such a vital part of the story they end up weakening the entire book. This along with some awkward dialogue here and there means that Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 is far from perfect. But that being said, there is still fun to be had here. This story is shaping up nicely and has a lot of potential to improve in the next two issues. Plus, the nice art and Milligan's new-reader friendly writing style means that most should get some enjoyment out of this title. If you're a fan of the character, or have a casual interest in the Valiant Universe, you should consider giving this book a try. Read Full Review

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