Sally Of The Wasteland #2

Writer: Victor Gischler Artist: Tazio Bettin Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: September 3, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The hellspawn of Victor Gischler and newcomer Tazio Bettin, Sally is as sexy as she is psychotic. She and the crew of the Mississippi Duchess have found their trip down the mutant-infested bayous of post-apocalyptic Louisiana interrupted by giant killer crawgators! Their ship sunk, the crew scattered, Sally is keen to find out what became of her dumb blonde himbo, Tommy. However, she has drawn the unwelcome attention of a boatload of unsavory cannibal types!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 23, 2014

    Sally of the Wasteland is just an odd kind of combination of things that against my better judgment simply should not work. It's a throwback kind of title with weird characters, off-beat costumes at time and some odd settings that are coming into play. The introduction of the 'Bamazons is priceless in its unexpectedness which is balanced by the intensity of the action they bring to it while dealing with the pirates. The dialogue between Sally and Tommy continues to be the most unwelcome aspect as it's just overdone, but I have to admit that I'm warming up a bit to Sally this time around as she gets a taste of the bloodlust. Her inappropriate humor largely doesn't work, but when it does, it's spot on. I have no idea what to make of this book and where it's going, but it's the kind of quirk unpredictable ride that can be quite memorable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Adam Cadmon Aug 23, 2014

    Titan comics has definitely hit a home-run with this action-packed and blood-soaked title. Be warned, Sally is not for the faint of heart or stomach, so the easily offended should be wary before cracking this one open. If you take issue with strong leading women who subjugate and decapitate men regularly, steer clear of this book. Otherwise, get ready for one of the most thrillingly chaotic stories of the year. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Sep 1, 2014

    Sally continues to be a funny series that is filled with B-movie glory. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Sep 2, 2014

    Sally of the Wastelands starts to show some improvement, with the intense action being gory and beautiful. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Graphic Policy - echoblueprint Sep 1, 2014

    On the whole, I can see where the creative team might have gone here, but that they lost their way early on and didn't find their way back. It is a shame too, because the covers for both the first and second issue are actually really enticing, it would be nice in this case if I could judge a book by its cover, but I cannot. Read Full Review

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