Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #7

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Simon Fraser Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: January 21, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The day after tomorrow - and the Vrezian Confederacy and the J'arrodic Federation have brought their "honorable" air-war to Earth. They're not here to invade, and they're being exceptionally considerate about collateral damage, all things considered. But human air travel is at a standstill, our culture is collapsing, the skies are clogged with toxic smog. And UNIT can't do a thing, as the aliens vaporize the weapons stockpile of any country that dares interfere! The deadlock needs a peaceful and clever solution; let's hope the Doctor is up to the job! And in the middle of it all, Alice is given a shocking offer she dare not refuse!

  • 6.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jan 22, 2015

    All in all, it's a perfectly suitable adventure to open a new arc, and the issue puts forward some good ideas. None of them are particularly novel or bold, but it does feel like an episode of Doctor Who, one that won't be your favourite, but is still fun. Read Full Review

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