Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1
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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1

Writer: George Mann Artist: Emma Vieceli Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: November 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 1
6.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"I'm the Doctor, and i'd very much like to know what you're doing in my house..." Get ready for an all-new season of comics adventures featuring the eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann in the Doctor Who movie, fan-favorite minisode "Night of the Doctor," and over fourteen years (and counting!) of astounding Big Finish audio spectaculars! Five amazing, interconnected new stories take the Doctor on a rollercoaster of threat and misadventure, as he investigates the mysteries surrounding his new companion Josie. Victorian magic shows, murderous trees, lost books, crystalline life-forms, barges in space crammed with the undead - and the grand more

  • 9.0
    Flickering Myth - Chris Sanderson Nov 14, 2015

    Really captures the essence of the much requested Eighth Doctor and sets the scene for some of his adventures, which are wrapped up with some nice pacing and some solid Doctor shenanigans. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 7, 2015

    A fun story, which is more than welcome in a Doctor Who tale, but the art might leave some fans fuming. The visuals aren't as good as the story, but I'll continue to follow this Doctor's adventures. Because of the visuals, I'm going to tilt my grade lower than where the average should have it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Geoffrey Farrar Nov 2, 2015

    The story seems a bit slow at first but picks up quickly as the aliens are revealed. The art style seems constant with past Doctor Who comics. For fans just starting with a Doctor Who comic this is a great comic as we have a companion we have never seen before. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Gary Kane Nov 3, 2015

    Whether you are familiar with this particular Doctor isn't necessary as it offers the usual trappings that make the core character so great, the eccentricities, the blue box and the companion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Nov 4, 2015

    I enjoyed this issue, but I can't help but wonder if a good part of that is due to my joy at seeing this version of the Doctor. The story's perfectly fine, but didn't really grab me. The art fares a little better, but that shouldn't stand as separate from the story. I'll be very interested to see where the other four issues will take us and if this story will more fully come into its own. As for right now, this Doctor gives this comic a" Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Nov 6, 2015

    The pencils from Emma Vieceli are strong and Hi-Fi adds the usual level of quality to the colors. Its got a nice, bright feel to it that perfectly fits within the same universe and tone as the other Doctor Who Titan Comics, and we get to see an effectively standalone story entitled The Pictures of Josephine Day. With Doctor Who you know that there is a vast amount of potential to be explored in the future (and in the past), so this issue was merely a teaser of what lies in store for The Doctor and his latest companion. The next stop teases a journey to another world, and needless to say, its going to be interesting to watch unfold, with the creative team on the right track to deliver another hit for Titan Comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Oct 29, 2015

    It's yet another top notch book from Titan, and if this mini continues to deliver, then any Eighth Doctor fans out there will find more than enough to enjoy, and hopefully he'll gain some new fans as well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Jeremy Wilfinger Nov 11, 2015

    Die hard fans of Dr. Who may find The Eighth Doctor a compelling enough read to stick around for another issue, but everyone else will likely move on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Nov 3, 2015

    Overall, an interesting premise which captures the essence of Paul McGanns portrayal of the Doctor, but it does come off flat for a debut. The story by George Mann seems hurried, as though he felt a need to capture the quirks of the other Doctors to make him more interesting. The art by Emma Vieceli, seems to be the bright spot on this story, as they bring the 8Th Doctor in a new light. Altogether, I believe this miniseries has promise, none of which reveals itself in the first issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - John McCubbin Nov 3, 2015

    Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1 showed us just how good the Eighth Doctor can be, as despite the unsuccessful television movie remaining present in our minds, we are reminded that this was a worthwhile iteration of the Time Lord. So if you're looking for a way to get into Paul McGann's Doctor, then make sure to pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GWW - Jgalette Nov 8, 2015

    It's not a mind blowing Who comics or even Who story by any means, but it's definitely worth reading if you're a fan of the 8th Doctor and I for one am looking forward to seeing how this mini-series plays out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - murrakmr Dec 14, 2015

    The adventures of the Eighth Doctor are a welcome addition to Titan's line. Far from feeling superfluous they give us an ideal opportunity to learn more about the almost forgotten Doctor and Mann looks set to further flesh him out beyond what we've already seen. While his origin and regeneration may have already been seen, there's plenty here to discover and with art as strong as Viecelli's it looks like an adventure well worth joining. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Todd Young Nov 2, 2015

    It moved a little slow and the suspense wasn't able to build unfortunately—this being number 1 in the series, things are being set up for future storylines so the underlying tension of the larger mystery isn't really there to push you along yet. It's a necessary issue for background, but probably not a must-buy on its own. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Nov 7, 2015

    Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1 is out now from Titan Comics Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 2, 2015

    The art feels a bit unfinished, but the Eighth Doctor is a fun presence, and the story flows well, if quickly" Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Nov 2, 2015

    The story has the feel of a Doctor Who comic written in the 1990s. It's very non-threatening and almost disposable, in that it can be read, enjoyed, and set aside. The Doctor is written true to character, very cavalier and almost a step ahead of everyone else. The threat doesn't feel real, though, and the real story for the series is the note found after the monsters are vanquished. That gives the story its disposable feeling. Read Full Review

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