Dez and Victor haven't seen each other since the world ended five years ago, leaving Dez trapped inside the Los Spinoza Convention Center and Victor writing articles for a post-apocalyptic newspaper about how to properly season shoelaces for human consumption. So the two have got a lot to catch up on-and when Dez learns the world outside the convention center isn't infested with radioactive zombies, she's determined to get not just herself and her intern out, but all the other imprisoned con-goers.
The Long Con flows like a funny version of Dead Rising, but replaces the zombies with crazed convention attendees. Victor is along for this ride and still might not know what he got himself into. His snark and signature wit will not save him from a pack of wild dogs looking to tear down the set of Boat Cop. Read Full Review
While this isn't a must read comic, it will likely provide a very specific audience with some solid laughs and a perfectly sized dose of nostalgia for an event that is truly a mixed bag. Read Full Review