Space Battle Lunchtime #7

Writer: Natalie Riess Artist: Natalie Riess Publisher: Oni Press Release Date: December 7, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
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With a little help from fellow contestant Neptunia, Peony makes it out of Cannibal Coliseum before she gets skewered. But if they don't get back to the Space Battle Lunchtime studio on the double, both Neptunia and Peony will forfeit their spots in the finale! It's a race to the finish in this penultimate issue!

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Mike Badilla Dec 7, 2016

    The next part is a part that would only make sense if you'd read the first few issues, which I have not yet. Although it may not seem like it by my inability to remember characters names, I really enjoy this book. It's very funny, the writing is very well thought out and you can really feel the emotion within all the dialogue. The book is also very well drawn, the art is almost reminiscent of early Adventure Time. I look forward to seeing what comes next for these two girls and the fate of Space Battle Lunchtime. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Rick Dec 11, 2016

    Space Battle Lunchtime is still one of the funniest, most original comics out there. With its quirky characters, watercolors, and quippy dialogue, it expands the notion of what comics can be. I cant wait to see what Natalie Reiss has in store for us in the finale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Dec 13, 2016

    Despite a brief detour into Cannibal Coliseum, Space Battle Lunchtime #7 is a beautiful read for almost all ages, or maybe all ages, if your kids enjoy the darkest timeline Alton Brown of Cutthroat Kitchen. Riess' engaging character designs and off-beat humor will keep you engrossed throughout the issue, and as excited to see how the story ends as you will be disappointed there's only one issue left til Peony squares off against her nemesis in Space Battle Lunchtime's final episode. Read Full Review

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