Meet the Plim-an alien race that's never been beyond their own planet, never known the wonders of the universe. In fact, they have a prophecy that one day a hero will come crashing through their atmosphere, bringing tales from across the galaxy! So what happens when both ZIM and Dib crash-land on their planet? The prophecy only said there'd be ONE hero, so... which one of them could it be?
The brilliance of this title comes from the subtle walk into metaphor, as opposed to just dropping heavy words into laps of those who hadn't quite understood what might be the true topic of conversation. It's a thought piece not just for open dialogue with kids, but for adults themselves. I think that it's important sometimes for such things to be presented more like a passing thought that's not preachy; more just a gentle reminder that there are other things going on. Read Full Review
Invader Zim #42 stands out as a bright spot in what's felt like a rut the series has fallen into in the past few issues. Read Full Review