Invader Zim #11

Writer: Sarah Andersen Artist: Sarah Andersen Publisher: Oni Press Release Date: July 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
5.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A special one-shot written and illustrated by Sarah Andersen (Sarah's Scribbles)! When GIR brings home a flea-ridden stray cat, ZIM is furious-until he finds out what the cat does to Dib. Dib's sneezing and covered in hives-could the magical powers of this "cat" be harnessed and turned against all of mankind? Could the earth FINALLY be ZIM's?

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Mark Pellegrini Jul 5, 2016

    So yeah, the plot follows a typical premise and the story's pretty simple, but Anderson makes it funny with all her high energy layouts and some on-point dialogue. While I'm still anxiously awaiting another multi-parter, this has been one of the better one-shot stories in a while. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Big Comic Page - John Patterson Jul 6, 2016

    Creator Jhonen Vasquez is helming these continuing adventures of Zim in its new home at Oni Press, and under his direction the wrathful little alien is at his devious best. Sarah Andersons artwork translates the TV show beautifully to the page with none of the anarchic qualities of the show being lost along the way.  Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Wilson Taylor Aug 9, 2016

    I'm giving Invader Zim #11 a 1/5 not because it's so reprehensible, I've read worse comics this month, but that I have no reason to recommend it to anyone. There are comics that are bad but may be of interest to someone for some reason, even in spectacle. This issue is a dinner that you didn't like yesterday being reheated and served to you today, and if the fact that I had to rely on a food metaphor doesn't say enough about my bored contempt for this issue, then I'm going to have to say let's agree to disagree. Read Full Review

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