X-Factor #47

Writer: Peter David Artist: Valentine De Landro Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 19, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Time is beginning to bleed. Sentinels are starting to pop up in the darnedest places, the Summers Rebellion is spilling over into modern day, Rictor and Shatterstar have a lot to sort out, and X-Factor finally finds itself face-to-face with Cortex.

  • 8.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Aug 19, 2009

    Otherwise, issue #47 is the 47th quality installment of the best X-book of the current generation. The action is played cleverly, the comedy is on point as always, and the characters are deep and lovable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis Aug 22, 2009

    The art by Valentine De Landro is, as I’ve mentioned in previous reviews on the series, perfect for the book and I’m glad this artist seems to have settled down as the regular on the book. While the storylines have begun to creep away from their noir-like roots, the art style still works for the title. Great images in this issue include a disgustingly creepy portrayal of Cortex’s mind powers and a naked Monet about to bash someone’s head in! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 20, 2009

    "X-Factor" lately has had its ups and downs, and this one is more down than up. Hopefully next month will be another up, but at the moment I think I'd settle for feeling like "X-Factor" has a purpose again. I know David has said he can't plan that far ahead, but somehow I'm sure he can put something together if he and editorial really wanted to. Read Full Review

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