X-Factor #27

Writer: Peter David Artist: Scott Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 9, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
7.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

MESSIAH COMPLEX PART 11 An X-Man's death reveals answers to some of the mysteries surrounding the new mutant, and creates a host of questions. The baby falls into the hands of a major player in the conflict, but things aren't always as they seem.

  • 8.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jan 9, 2008

    "Messiah Complex" is above all an X-Men crossover, and they've never required you to do much more than show up. I never expected a thinking man's crossover, and that coupled with the ultimately high enjoyment factor allow me to begrudgingly overlook the basic logic issues that have begun permeating the story. I trust that there's a big finish brewing and despite myself, I can't feel much more than excitement. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Christopher Power Jan 15, 2008

    Well, next up, we finally see Predator X in action. I had forgotten about the pup in all the hub-bub. It also looks like we are in for an old school scrap with the classic remaining X-Men up against classic Marauders. Bring on chapter 12. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 11, 2008

    X-Factor #27 was another strong read. Marvel continues to impress me with the impressive quality of work that they have cranked out on Messiah Complex. It is great to see Marvel finally successfully pulling off a big event. Again, if you have not been reading Messiah Complex then I urge you to get this story arc when it is released in trade paperback format. It has enough quality drama, character work and action to appeal to a broad base of comic book readers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 18, 2008

    Eaton does the best Patrick Stewart Ive yet seen when it comes to Charles. While his work isnt as showy as most of the other artists on this crossover, its very competent in delineating a complicated and broad field of characters. Messiah CompleX continues to impress with a clear vision that has clearly been understood and acceded to by all the talent involved. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 9, 2008

    Meanwhile, the X-Men make their way to Muir Island to take down the Marauders. X-Force is leading the charge though and I can't see how they will defeat the Acolytes and Marauders along with Mystique, Gambit and Sunfire. Why is Sinister not mentioned? Well, Mystique killed him and is teaming up with Gambit to secure the baby or something. I'd love to see how she accomplished that feat since they had it all done off panel. Finding out why would be nice, too. Read Full Review

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