Wolverine Origins #1
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Wolverine Origins #1

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Steve Dillon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 19, 2006 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
5.9Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Logan embarks on the first leg of a long and bloody quest for vengeance against those who have turned him into the monster he is today!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Apr 16, 2006

    And by forever, I mean changed until the next generation of comic writers and editors decide they want to undo everything. For right now, though, this is an awesome direction to go in. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Judson Miers Apr 16, 2006

    The storyline shows promise although I still dont get why he has to have the mystical sword. If he were still under the authority of someone, a samurai would be expected to act with honor and keep his sword with him as a symbol of his honor and soul, but as a ronin (a wandering samurai) the rules change and the sword has no symbolic significance. I think the ride will be interesting and hopefully lays down a definitive history of our beloved clawed one. If this turns sour, like so many of Marvels current projects, youll forgive me if I bail out and disavow all knowledge of ever writing this review. Gotta run, I think I hear a scratching at my door Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Apr 16, 2006

    Theres not much more I can say about this book. I am not completely sure why its titled Origins because it doesnt really tell the origin of Wolverine, but I surmise its an extension of the Origins storyline and that it will go on to tell tales of his life prior to the X-Men and his days before and after Weapon-X. Its a very enjoyable read and seems poised to deliver on future goods. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Apr 16, 2006

    With an issue like this, the burden is on Marvel to prove that a second ongoing Wolverine title (on top of his numerous team book appearances) is a worthwhile venture. Based on this first issue, I have to say that theyve failed to do so. There's nothing here which couldnt have been done in the main book (as was originally intended), and theres certainly not enough in the way of distinctiveness or innovation to justify this as a separate title. This is a perfectly acceptable (if generic) Wolverine story, but its also utterly pointless and unnecessary. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Apr 16, 2006

    I like the idea of this series, but I really hope there are some major reveals very soon or else this one is going to stay on the shelf at my comic shop. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Apr 16, 2006

    Mostly, though, the flaw of this issue is the failure to tackle the rich, intriguing premise with any sort of depthor at all. With a series promising big-time revelations about Wolverines past, it would be nice to get at least a taste from the outset. Over the course of the series, hes meant to be traveling the world, reconnecting with old friends and lovers, and sticking it to the bastards who stuck it to him. But in the first issue, all we really discover is that Logans history is intertwined with the governmenthigh up in the government. Which we already knew. And while there arent going to be many people picking this up who dont have at least a passing knowledge of who Wolverine is and what he does, hes still got to be character within his own book. Theres really only so far a taciturn Hurricane Wolvie presence can carry a storyand apparently that distance is less than 24 pages. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 22, 2006

    Not much really happened in this issue. There are not too many subplots or storylines. Basically, someone sent a Shiva robot to shut up the Secretary and the U.S. Military is going to unleash Nuke on Wolverine. Not a lot of depth or facets to this story. I can't say I am particularly interested in getting the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Aronson Apr 16, 2006

    Its official: Daniel Way is Marvels new golden boy, a writer whose surrounding hype and praise is incongruous with the quality of his work. Read Full Review

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