Wolverine #10

Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: Pete Woods Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 9, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
6.4Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

• It's the beginning of the end for Wolverine!
•  Logan comes clean to his old friends as Sabretooth marks Wolverine's new love Pinch for death!
•  Pete Woods (Detective Comics) joins Paul Cornell as Logan enters his most dire hour!

  • 7.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Stuart Conover Jul 13, 2014

    With all of this lead in to Logan's death, I've been rather curious as to where he might end up. Will he end up in Hell as Mephisto seemed to drag him? Will Death herself claim our hero? Could he end up with Xavier in Heaven? Could he somehow end up in whatever represents Valhalla these days? Not many have really put much thought into the fact that just because Wolverine does doesn't mean his ongoing story is over. Just like ‘Hellboy in Hell,' we may have adventures of Wolverine in the afterlife ahead of us and those could prove to be some of his most interesting adventures of all. While I haven't seen an announcement on one, I wonder if this will be a secretive new series being sprung on us though I think that may just be wishful thinking more than anything else. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Jul 9, 2014

    Wolverine is getting closer to his demise with Three Months to Die becoming Two. Despite the tension that's being built the overall issue was hurt by the appearance of too many characters with the atmosphere getting diluted. It does however squeeze through with a recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Comic Book Herald - Jeff Ayers Jul 11, 2014

    Last but not least, the elephant in the room: Stop with the arm claws. I get it, no healing factor. Hurts when he pops his real claws, and he bleeds all over the place. But the arm gauntlets with claws in them that Superior Doc Ock-Spider-Man gave him need to go. They should be burned in a fire when he dies. Just saying. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 10, 2014

    For a storyline subtitled 'The Last Wolverine Story,' there's definitely a sense of importance and gravitas missing here. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    LeandroMDuarte Jul 10, 2014

    Wolverine's journey under the pen of Paul Cornell is finally coming full circle, and this issue showscases a character that has made peace with his current predicament and that is fully aware of who is and who he wants to be. The Wolverine is back, as focused as ever.

    A couple things push the score down: some of the plot elements fall into place in too convenient ways (i.e. the attack on the bar, SHIELD's arrival at a crucial point) and Pete Woods art looks scratchy and unpolished, even though his storytelling remains good.

  • 2.5
    Zap-Kapow Comics Aug 9, 2014

    This entire series has been pretty terrible, and given the marketing and weight behind something as bold as killing Wolverine in these final issues, one would expect a LOT more punch than Paul Cornell is writing.

    This issue covers the third official part of '3 Months To Die' and we'd be lying if we told you it were anything other than more of the same of the previous issues in this series — juvenile, lazy, and boring.

    Wolverine is one of Marvel's greatest assets, so one has to wonder what the hell they were thinking when they signed off on this mess.

    Sidnote: 1.5 of the 2.5 we gave this was for Steve McNiven's awesome covers. The interiors (writing and art) are that bad. Can't wait


  • 6.5
    Adsun22 Dec 7, 2020

  • 5.5
    Ryan Jan 6, 2019

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