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White Tiger #1

Writer: Tamora Pierce, Timothy Liebe Artist: Phil Briones Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Nov 18, 2006

    The White Tiger is a six-part mini-series. Let's hope Marvel has the sense to extend Tamora Pierce's contract and keep her intriguing readers with Angela del Toro striped super-hero exploits. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Nov 14, 2006

    White Tiger begins as a decent action/adventure comic that isnt necessarily a superhero comic. The story of Chaeyi and his organization reminds me of a James Bond movie. Many elements feel familiar, and we dont learn much about Del Toro herself. But we do get some sharp dialogue, good fight scenes, and better-than-average art. Its the beginnings of a good comic book series and an interesting character. Lets hope the team can build on it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 14, 2006

    Overall, Im quietly impressed by this as a first issue for a writer whos new to comics. The plot is fairly original (albeit not hugely inspired), its faithful to the character as she was presented in Daredevil, and it lays out the White Tigers origin quickly and efficiently in order to get to some old fashioned superhero vs. super-villain action as swiftly as possible. There are some nice light touches and an obvious awareness of the conventions of superhero comics without verging into the territory of parody (a fun riff on the tightness of superhero costumes raised a smile for me), but theres also a serious side to the book too, with inter-criminal relationships getting some attention and the villains set up as more than merely two-dimensional evil-doers. Theres a high incidence of guest-appearances, especially for a #1 issue, with Daredevil (the Danny Rand stand-in version) and the Black Widow looking to be quite integral to the overall story, and even Spidey pops in for a c Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Nov 14, 2006

    She spends too much of this issue worrying about all the changes to her life, and fighting baddies seemingly for the lack of anything better to do. A late-issue reveal of yet another clich (a partner murdered by one of the criminals) doesnt up the stakes. And that striking new-costume reveal is followed quickly by a full-body sprawl into a pile of trash. Lets hope she wakes up soon. Read Full Review

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