Venom: Space Knight #5

Writer: Robbie Thompson Artist: Ariel Olivetti Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 23, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
7.2Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

PIK ROLLO IS A GIANT SPACE PANDA BEAR And she is tough as %&#$, while still being adorable. But she needs some help from VENOM to rescue her child (also ADORABLE) from our big cosmic bad guy, who wants Venom dead. Venom, and pretty much anyone else getting in his way. Panda. Bear. Mercenaries. From. Space.

  • 8.0 - Harrison Rawdin Mar 23, 2016

    Venom: Space Knight #5 is exactly what I needed to read today. It's not high brow entertainment but rather it exists as a fun space adventure that never misses an opportunity to entertain its already engaged audience. So much so that I can gleefully recommend to any curious onlookers out therethat have somehow managed not to pick up this stellar title yet. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Alex Nader Mar 27, 2016

    Venom: Space Knight #5 meanders towards a conclusion with predictable twists and plotting. The characters and art however continue to impress. Read Full Review

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