The early days of the X-Men’s second generation are revealed in an all-new series starring Cyclops, Storm, Banshee, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Phoenix! Professor X invites the mysterious Inhumans into the X-Men’s home, but when Wolverine and Gorgon meet, the party turns ugly! Nightcrawler faces a crisis of faith and searches for an answer in the Inhuman city Attilan – but has he found his salvation or ultimate destruction? Don’t miss a culture clash that will rock both super-teams to their cores! Rated A …$2.99
As first issues of all-ages type books go, this one is chock full of Marvel Universe goodness. I understand why Marvel chose the team at this era -" as "Wolverine: First Class" follows the team during the early days of Kitty Pryde's tenure as an X-Man -- but I would have liked to have seen Thunderbird and Sunfire included for personal sentimental reasons. My eleven-year-old holds a passing familiarity with several members of this cast and is eagerly waiting to read this once her slowpoke dad finally finishes reviewing it. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men: First Class #1 is by no means a great comic, but it's not a bad one either. This new series offers readers a chance to revisit an important period in the history of the X-Men, which could be a lot of fun for both diehard and casual fans alike. As overwrought as it was, I found myself enjoying it just fine for what it was. Read Full Review