FRAZER IRVING (Batman and Robin) joins the creative team of UNCANNY X-MEN! Learn what it’s like to be a student at Cyclops’ new school.
We seem to be going through some focus issues right now in the current story line of Uncanny X-Men. Last issue the focus was primarily on Emma and how she's lost the majority of her control over her powers. It's still truly fascinating to see how they've made her such a more dynamic character compared to her original roll as the White Queen. Moving forward we're going to see the problems of another Phoenix touched mutants have, specifically in this issue we're going to be taking a look at Magik. Read Full Review
This was an outstanding issue, and easily the best of the series so far. Everything that was wrong in this series has been fixed, whilst also keeping all the amazing qualities the series already had. It's pacing is much more consistent, and it has a lot more excitement, as well as ton's of suspense, and mystery. It also had phenomenal art from Frazer Irving, which more than suited the style of story, and I for one want to read more. Due to all this it's easy to recommend this issue, and I'd do that all day long, as it's truly something amazing. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men has been an unstable, but always great, title, but this arc feels like they're finally going to start breaking new ground and setting the team's place in the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men #5 succeeds in delivering the whole package. The issue is an entertaining narrative, which is backed up with good character work, humour and interesting subplots. Irving steals the show with his art, giving the book a distinct look that suits the story. This is a solid first part in a new story arc and a step in the right direction for the title. Read Full Review
So not the usual mutant outing - but a good, surprising story about a character finally getting her moment back in the spotlight. Read Full Review
Though a few panels and facial expressions were off, Irving did a great job with the style of his artwork for the book. Not too much color, and the dark atmosphere during Magiks confrontation with Dormamu in Limbo was solid. You felt the grim tone that not only she portrayed, but the tone Limbo brings forth. Read Full Review
I really, really dig Irving's art style and I think it's a good fit for this series. His version of Darkchilde is by far the absolute best. Magik's face being all distorted and fiery, you really get the demonic feel from it. It looks fantastic. I'm still not a fan of Bald Magneto though. It's creepy that he's totally jocking Xavier's look. Not cool, Erik. Get your own look already. Read Full Review
This is Cyclops' Extinction team, but they're broken. Bendis does well in showcasing how the changes affect the team dynamics, morale, and relationships. What the future holds for this team is uncertain, and it's likely it will be uncanny. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men #5 is an improvement from the last two issues (mostly because a good chunk of the dialogue from 4 is in All New X-Men #10). This is still a solid comic and with the added element of Dormammu, the next issue should be a good one as well. Read Full Review
The timing couldn’t have been better, a new plot before anything can get too boring. I for one am still looking forward to seeing what happens next and have yet to see this series have a dull moment. Read Full Review
Like I said, I don't particularly care about Magik. Never have, probably never will. She's just not a character I ever really liked. So seeing the Uncanny X-Men transported to Limbo to deal with her problems does not entice me. However, seeing the Uncanny X-Men do anything on their own, with no connection to All-New X-Men, is delightful. I hope they get a lot of adventures on their own. Beyond that, this issue features another dose of character-building goodness. The X-Men just get better, and I actually really enjoyed the chat between Magneto and Young Angel. It was fascinating. Read Full Review
Moreover, Emma Frost has always been a master at managing her own sexuality and understanding that there is power in how she chooses to deploy it. One could assume that such a character would have a greater appreciation for her students learning to manipulate the way other people respond to them. It's a fleeting moment but an important one nonetheless. No doubt, many readers will pass it by without a second thought but anyone who has ever felt the helpless fury inspired by the line "Learn to take a compliment, ladies" will notice it in a way I don't think Bendis intended. Read Full Review
It's a solid read and sets up a new storyline that seems intriguing, but inconsistent art detracts a bit. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men has been starting off strong, but in its fifth issue, things are beginning to slow a little bit in the introduction to an arc that may or may not be too interesting, especially for those who have no opinion on Limbo, demons and the like. While the characters are well done, the artwork is much improved and the title has great marketability with it's ties to All-New X-Men, this is still a series to watch in the Marvel NOW! universe. Read Full Review
Frazer Irving has a style that is wholly unconventional when compared to the rest of the big titles from Marvel and DC. Personally, I haven't always been the biggest fan of his work but within this type of story I think it will work out just fine. Seeing Dormammu, demons, and the setting for this story, Irving may be able to provide some truly spectacular visuals. But Irving will be a polarizing artist; for every person who really digs his works there will be one that really dislikes it all the same. I'd be very shocked that his work will do too much to alter the numbers for this title as it already has a very committed fan-base, and is reaching a sales number that it likely won't see rise very much, if at all. Love him or hate him Irving is here for this story-arc, I for one am looking forward to seeing what he can show us. Read Full Review
This issue was pretty much all about Magik, and while I've never cared for the character much before, since joining Scott and giving a mysterious bad girl vibe, I've come to enjoy her. The stuff with Dormammu was interesting, and I'm wondering what the team will do to help Magik deal with her powers, since they seem to be even more messed up than the rest of her teammates. We also saw some other character development in this issue with Triage trying and failing to hit on the Triplets, Angel and Magneto talking which seems like it should be weird by itself, and Eva apparently having a crush on Cyclops, which seemed to rub Emma the wrong way. All in all, this was a fine issue, and I'm looking forward to how Team Cyclops will fare in Limbo. Read Full Review
"Uncanny X-Men" #5 is good (especially the artwork), but with the plot moving slowly in no particular direction and the characters failing to bed in, it's hard not to look across the floor at "All-New X-Men" and ask what "Uncanny X-Men" is doing with itself. With a team like this, just "good" doesn't feel like enough. Read Full Review
It's starting to become apparent this series is the dysfunctional version of the X-Men. The new members are super green, Magneto is double crossing left and right, Magik is losing her mind and the older members' powers are wonked out. This is a good thing, because in years past most X-books are just an extension of each other. More of the same. This book has its own identity which means different types of stories. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men #5 explores the impact of the Phoenix on Magik's powers, but her struggle is overshadowed by the creative difficulties. The art and the writing feel like they're wandering in uncomfortable territory, and with both elements set to intensify next issue, it's tough to believe those problems will go away. Read Full Review
Magik's inclusion on the team troubled me because I knew storylines like this were a very good possibility. Now with the entire team trapped in Limbo that's where the comic seems headed for at least the next full issue. For fans. Read Full Review
After a slow start Brian Bendis has begun to find his grove on Uncanny X-Men. The greatest improvement in Uncanny X-Men #5 is that Bendis is finally letting the series stand on its own instead of relying on other books or teams to help tell its story. The story involving Magik and Dormammu's connection wwas elevated thanks to the students of the Xavier School finally getting the chance to be involved with one of the senior staff's mission. Additionally, the sub-plot of the growing opposition that Cyclops is facing in the form of SHIELD adds another dimension to the story of the series. Unfortunately I can't say the same thing for the artwork as I continue not to be sold on Frazer Irving's artwork, at least for a superhero comic. The art just doesn't work for me but it didn't get in the way of the story being told in Uncanny X-Men #5. Read Full Review