• The ladies of the UNCANNY X-MEN go out on the town and find themselves face-to-face with the effects of INHUMANITY.
• Wait, is that Kitty Pryde with the UNCANNY X-MEN?!?!
• Rising star KRIS ANKA (covers of UNCANNY X-FORCE, ALL-NEW X-MEN SPECIAL) comes in as guest artist for this special issue!
Uncanny X-Men is Marvel's flagship book X-Men book, and Bendis won't let readers forget that. This is the future of the X-Men, and the creative team has produced a book grounded in the three things that make the X-Men a great read " characters, characters, characters. Read Full Review
What an issue, especially following such a sophisticated and satisfying issue last month, this comic really did wonders in showing the best of the X-Women and Bendis. Really all aspects of this comic were wonderful. Read Full Review
Either way Brian Michael Bendis seems to have outdone Brian Wood with a comic filled to the brim with real and endearing female characters having fun and being an imposing team to mess with. I hope more issues of Uncanny side with these characters, as they are definitely (more often than not) more interesting and badass than their male counterparts. Read Full Review
These are really valid and as Marvel slowly pushes the Inhumans onto us all (in order to eventually turn them into movies since they can't use the X-Men.) While I didn't like the tie-in, I liked everything leading up to it and the questions it brought up. I really enjoyed the interaction between the women here which felt natural and the downtime really was needed. The girls night out was great. The bonding and bickering felt like something that was long overdue,though, it kind of makes you wonder what the guys were up during thisissue. I can see them all just sitting around eating sandwiches and one of them asking Cyclops, possibly his younger self, something along the lines of "So you and Emma used to date right? Read Full Review
With the addition of some of the time-displaced X-Men and Kitty Pryde, Cyclops' team of X-Men is growing larger (and less reliant on former super-villains). With the teasing of Magneto's eventual betrayal it will be interesting to see how much more shake-up we see in the team over the course of 2014. Worth a look. Read Full Review
What there is of the girls night, especially of Emma Frost, is absolutely hilarious and joyous, and the art is glorious to behold from cover-to-cover, so this is still a book worth picking up whether or not you care about Inhumanity or Infinity. Bendis has a knack for writing characters, especially those on the B-list level and those whove gotten ignored or overlooked in previous books. Plus, theres a new character trying to bond with her teammates, and its handled very, very well. Even though it has plenty of larger plot, this is ultimately a very fun issue thats a great jump-on point for the book in general. Read Full Review
This is a great book even if I felt it didn't need to be a tie-in. It could have cut out the part about the Inhumans and actually just focus on the ladies and what they are doing. However for what it was this was a great issue that I did enjoy and I hope Bendis continues and brings more of the character development in future issues. Read Full Review
On the plus side, this issue offers Kris Anka another chance to strut his stuff with the X-Men franchise. Frankly, this light and talky issue wouldn't have worked with the book's regular artists. It needed a cleaner, simpler, and more expressive touch, and that's just what Anka brings to the table. And Rain Beredo's bright colors really help bring the rainy, neon-lit streets of London to life. Read Full Review
So, to sum up, great art, not-so great story. Another disappointing issue, two in a row. At this rate, I'm going to give the series two issues at most before I pull it off my monthly lists. Read Full Review
We know all things by their opposites and, tragically, so it is here. The excitement of the first half of the story seems even more impressive when compared to what follows and this issue's ending is all the more unacceptable for the clear strength of the creative team in its preceding pages. I would desperately like to be giving this issue a higher score but, in honesty, it probably deserves lower. Read Full Review
The art is okay. I can see some solid talent in Kris Anka, and his manga-influenced style here is pretty interesting, but it is also pretty inconsistent, with some odd layouts and empty backgrounds. Might just be an off issue for him. Read Full Review
At least the first half of the book was pretty fun. It's all dialogue-driven, and Bendis is a master of dialogue. I love comics where the superheroes act like real people, and the desire to go shopping brings out the best in Emma Frost. This may be a team of rebels hunkering down in an abandoned Weapon X facility, but they still want fresh clothes and amenities. But alas, just when it was getting good, when we might have built to some really strong character moments, in comes Inhumanity to ruin the fun. Read Full Review
While Uncanny X-Men #15.INH is by no means the worst comic I've read this year (coughcoughLobdell'sactioncomicscough), it is a bummer to read. At first glance it's a match made in heaven, with an entire issue dedicated to a somewhat lighter story, but in the end, its all just a huge bummer to read. Thankfully, the art is it's saving grace and is actually enjoyable, pouring over each page. Read Full Review
The character-building part of the issue was well done and was fairly entertaining. The second part of the issue where the plot actually advances was good but didn't really give the reader a solid indication of events to come. The conflict between mutants and inhumans has potential for a good story and could turn into something really compelling and interesting but right now it's too soon to tell. Read Full Review
Inhumanity tie-in aside, this was a fun issue. Bendis does a good job of not making every issue too serious and he never forgets that comics are supposed to be fun. Uncanny X-Men is still a top shelf book and we all have Bendis to thank. Read Full Review
"Uncanny X-Men" #15.INH looks nice, but in the end it's a comic that just comes to a halt for its second half. I get it, tie-ins to big events sell well, and this is a practice that's unlikely to change in the near future. But I can't help but think that if this is the best that's being served up, sooner or later it's going to catch up with Marvel and DC and that sales bump isn't going to happen. If tie-ins aren't thought through a bit better, markers like .INH are going to be signals to avoid, rather than to target. Read Full Review
This is definitely the weakest issue of Bendis' Uncanny X-Men run. A mess of a plot and just as messy art make it a disappointing read. This had almost no relevance to the events of Infinity. It's a needless tie-in I would recommend to avoid. Read Full Review