Uncanny X-Men #447

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Alan Davis, Mark Farmer Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
5.9User Rating

It's the final showdown between the X-Men and the Fury! But how do you beat a villain who can adapt to any threat and anticipate your every move?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 12, 2004

    Alan Davis is called upon to deliver what is one extended action sequence, and he does an effective job of it, as there's some memorable images to be found in this issue, from the series of panels where the Fury is ripped apart by a series of pulse generating bomblets, to the big finish where the creature is struggling to keep from being pulled into a newly created black hole. There's also some nice character moments as Cannonball's solo efforts to stay alive in the early pages were well presented, as was the scene where Rachel's internal doubts are quashed by Logan, as the art does a very effective job of selling the idea that she wears her emotions on her sleeve. Read Full Review

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