Uncanny X-Men #413

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Sean Phillips Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

The X-Men nurse their wounds after their encounter with Black Tom Cassidy-- but how will they react to finding Havok back at the Xavier Institute?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 30, 2002

    The book does get a bit mawkish at times, and truth be told Chuck Austen is a bit too conventional in the ideas that he's bringing to the table. However, I still found this issue to be quite enjoyable, as there's some strong character moments in this issue, from Stacy X's little display of ugliness in the medical lab, to the nice exchange between Annie & Xavier about the mutant issue. There's also a nice scene between Annie & Paige, as we see Annie is a good person in spite of her dislike of mutants, and the last page offers up a fairly surprising revelation about the character. Now I may not like how the Juggernaut's being used, but other than this little problem I like what Chuck Austen is doing in these pages, and with Northstar's arrival on the horizon, as well as Alex's return to the X-Men I wouldn't be surprised if this book soon became my preferred X-Men title. Now all this book needs is a reliable monthly artist. Read Full Review

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