Uncanny X-Men #298

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Brandon Peterson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 24, 1993 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
6.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

The X-Men must contend with the Acolytes or save a group of children caught in the wreckage. But they cannot do both.

  • 6.9
    The Comicbook Dispatch - soycornholio Aug 26, 2021

    For the beginning of a new story arc, Uncanny X-Men 298 was an alright issue. I have to realize that the X-Men in the 90s were extremely different than the X-Men in 2021. The word extreme is the perfect word to describe the X-Men of the early to mid-90s. I am still at the beginning of this story arc and still do not know where the pieces will fall. Hopefully, this will be a pretty fascinating storyline. Based upon the first issue, I would skip this issue. It appears as if this was the first steppingstone with no big takeaway other than the Acolytes being back. Read Full Review

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