Uncanny X-Force #12

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Adrian Alphona Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 9, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
8.4Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

• Spotlight on Spiral!
•  With the rest of the Uncanny X-Force in Madripoor, Spiral has devoted herself to finding new mutant Ginny.
•  But is the cult Ginny belongs to more than meets the eye?
•  Even six arms might not be enough to juggle all this trouble!

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 10, 2013

    Adrian Alphona steps up to bat in this issue, offering the rare treat of a comic fully illustrated in his distinctive style. He's a great fit for a character as surreal and defined by motion as Spiral. Alphona's depiction of Spiral bleeds into his portrayal of Los Angeles as a whole - a place where the mundane and the unusual cross paths under a blinding sun. Part of the reason this series has found a resurgence is that it's come to rely more on more on off-kilter artists like Alphona and Ramon Perez who can break away from the usual X-Men aesthetic. Hopefully this element continues to become a hallmark of Humphries' run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Oct 9, 2013

    Mr. Bishop's Wild Ride continues in spectacular fashion, and now that we know the story behind the Revenants and their Queen, we're ready for a most serious confrontation. After all, it's only the end of the world at stake. Humphries has served up a fascinating arc thus far, and it's been stunningly realized on the page with the help of talented artists like Alphona and Sotomayor. Bishop, Storm, et al need to bring the heat next issue to keep the momentum going, but I have no doubt that they'll do so. Read Full Review

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