Thor #83

Writer: Michael Avon Oeming, Daniel Berman Artist: Andrea DiVito Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 13
6.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

RAGNAROK PART 4 Beset on all sides by treacherous foes from his past, the God of Thunder leads the tattered remnants of the forces of Asgard on a desperate quest, as the Realm Eternal burns. Beta Ray Bill takes over leadership for Thor is his almighty absence!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 11, 2004

    Andrea DiVito has a highly detailed style that lends itself quite nicely to the big impact moments of this issue, as the issue opens with a great sequence where we see Beta-Ray Bill puts on a display of power that should give his enemies reason to be nervous. There's also some lovely establishing shots as we see Thor travels to Hildstalf, to seek out the wisdom of the Well of Mimir, and the opening shot of Yggdrasil was also pretty impressive. The sequence where Thor makes his sacrifice to gain the wisdom from the well is nicely disturbing, as we don't really get a good look at what's he's done until he throws it into the well. Read Full Review

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