Thor #70

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Scot Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Thialfi has travelled to the future to see the paradise that Thor has created. But there is a dark side to Lord Thor's utopia. A group of mortals conspire against the Asgardians. What is their plan? Who are these rebels?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 26, 2003

    This isn't the most exciting issue Dan Jurgens has offered up, as far too much time is spent establishing the idea that Thor has created a paradise, and there are moments when the book almost feels like it is preaching a message to the readers rather than trying to entertain. However, as far as "What If" stories go this one is fairly impressive in that it looks to have taken great care to establish the rules of this environment, as well as detailing the various roles that it's cast members will play. I also imagine since this issue was all about establishing Thor has created a paradise, the following issues will take a closer look where hopefully we'll be given a better look at why we should be pulling for the rebels in the impending battle, as if nothing else this issue manages to be quite convincing that the world Thor has created isn't half bad, which of course makes it a bit difficult to work up much sympathy for the rebels and their central argument that they don't want this parad Read Full Review

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