The Avenging Spider-Man #15.1

Writer: Christopher Yost Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 26, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Coinciding with the end of Amazing Spider-Man, a look back at the greatest conflict in comics history: Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus!

  • 10
    Flip Geeks - Kyle Francisco Dec 26, 2012

    I'm telling you now, this is required reading if you're a Spider-Man fan or if you're on board for January's Superior Spider-Man. Buy it " Buy it, buy it, buy it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Dec 26, 2012

    If you can't tell by now, I loved this issue. It was great to see Ock become Spider-Man and Peter Parker, but what I enjoyed most was seeing this costume come together. It all makes sense. While I'm sure there's tons of people not to happy with the outcome of 700, I think it's going to work fine. This is a new era of Spider-Man, and it's a very interesting change. I can't wait to see the new SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN series.The writing and art here are top notch, and you'll be engulfed from start to finish with this issue. I didn't have any real problems with this book except I thought Spider-Man's pose on the final page was a tad awkward.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Smash - Sam Johnson Jan 2, 2013

    Writer Chris Yost sets up Dan Slott's forthcoming "Superior Spider-Man" series excellently here, aided by the appealing, atmospheric art and colors of Paco Medina and Juan Vlasco. "Avenging Spider-Man" #15.1 illustrates that although Otto may have switcheroo'd himself into a strong, vibrant body, the state of his mixed-up mind is less than healthy. Here we have a man experiencing an identity crisis. A man who, without fully-consciously making the decision to do so, is attempting to U-turn his existence"and I'm excited to see how things play out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Dec 27, 2012

    I highly recommend this book, and I am sure most Spidey fans will be picking it up this week. Considering Dan Slott did not touch this issue, I am very impressed with the results. I also think that this issue acts as a nice little prologue for Superior Spider Man; in fact it could have even been an #0 issue. I am now beyond excited for Superior #1 to hit next month now; which means that this issue has done its job successfully. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Dec 27, 2012

    Avenging Spider-Man #15.1 is an excellent read that happens to be an essential purchase, but heed my warning: do not read this until you've flipped through Amazing Spider-Man #700. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 27, 2012

    That feeling of "standardness" is what ultimately keeps Avenging Spider-Man #15.1 from reaching the upgraded status that Otto Octavius promised. But the concept and the timing is what matters " this is definitely a fitting bookend to this week's Amazing Spider-Man #700, showing that while Peter Parker may not have survived his last battle with Doctor Octopus, he didn't go out without leaving a mark. Seeing the Peter-Otto dynamic from a different perspective " and learning how similar these two flawed men are " is reward enough for now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Jan 10, 2013

    This is an actual hopping on point for new readers, hallelujah! I'd actually say folks should grab a copy of this and read it before Superior Spider-Man #1, it does it's job and does it's job really well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Dec 28, 2012

    All in all this was a important issue that helped set the tone for a time where we don't have Peter Parker as Spider-Man (you know what I mean) in the 616 Universe or the Ultimate Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Dec 26, 2012

    Unfortunately, even with a brief recap of the shocking events of Amazing Spider-Man #700, Avenging Spider-Man #15.1 would probably come off as inconsequential to someone who only reads this issue. However, for anyone who's been following that most recent storyline in Amazing Spider-Man, this is a must-read. What's more, since Avenging Spider-Man has been a team-up book since its inception, this is where we're going to see most of the new Spidey's interactions with the rest of the Marvel Universe, which should make for some interesting reading in future months! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Dec 26, 2012

    The result so far is that I'm interested. I can't say I'm excited yet, but I'm interested. Let's see what trick is pulled in Superior Spider-Man #1. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Jul 8, 2013

    This was a good issue and a brilliant follow-up to Amazing Spider-Man 700. I would would however only recommend this to people who have read Amazing Spider-Man 700, or are already collecting the series, and would recommend as a jumping on point without reading Amazing Spider-Man 700 first. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Ben Silverio Dec 29, 2012

    So far, I've heard a generally negative response to the fall of the Amazing Spider-Man, but I appreciate the balls that the Spidey office at Marvel has. What they did is a big deal that will have huge ramifications, but for everyone who's hating on it hardcore, remember that nothing in comics these is ever really permanent except the deaths of Uncle Ben and Thomas and Martha Wayne. Pretty much everything else is up for change. I'm curious to see where this all goes, so I'll be sure to check out 'Superior Spider-Man' #1 when it comes out in January 2013. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Alexander Jones Dec 24, 2012

    Vast problems still lie in this new Spider-Man universe. Yost has shown readers a way that The Superior Spider-Man could possibly work as an ongoing title. The more jaded comic book fan would still have the opinion that after 700 issues there is a better way to start the title fresh than killing Peter Parker and having Doctor Octopus butcher the legacy of Spider-Man. A new character would have served the title just fine along with the legacy of the comic book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Dec 28, 2012

    It's probable that "Superior Spider-Man" #1, when released, will address these concerns. It is, after all, the "real" first issue. But "Avenging Spider-Man" #15.1 -- part-epilogue, part-prologue -- seems to do more harm than good. It's not that Peter Parker can't be replaced as Spider-Man (the stunning career of Miles Morales suggests otherwise) -- but this comic isn't doing his latest replacement any favors, and at a time when one suspects that favors are sorely needed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Fanboy Buzz - ChrisDeneen Jan 3, 2013

    Overall I liked the book but the story but it just didnt grab me. Of course this is just a point one book and they tend to be mediocre. I think Superior Spider-Man could be a strong title but this issue is nothing special. Chris Yost is kind of trapped stringing together this issue and #700. There are legions of fans out there very pissed off at Dan Slott at the moment. He may be able to bring some back around and maybe even bring in some new readers but he has to tread carefully. The diehard fans will probably hold out for the return of the real Peter and that may cause some serious slumps in sales. Read Full Review

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