Squadron Supreme #9

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: James Robinson Artist: Alex Cal, Leonardo Romero, Aco Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 20, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
5.4Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

•  Now that Warrior Woman has revealed her true identity to the Squadron Supreme, we focus on her life - her past, present and future - in a special solo issue.
•  Now the ruler of her own country and sovereign leader of the Alien Myriad, Warrior Woman plans an even greater feat of world conquest. But to do this, it will first require a vision from the Profiler...
•  ...and the resurrection of Namor, the Sub-Mariner.
•  Also, learn the surprising fate of the Power Princess whose identity Warrior Woman stole more

  • 6.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Bruce Cook Jul 27, 2016

    All in all, this was a really good issue for Squadron Supreme. While I'm sad to know that Power Princess is the only survivor of the original Squadron, I'm hopeful that her arrival will return us to the action of the title's first few issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jul 26, 2016

    The story isn't the easiest to follow when you enter it at this point, which is fully understandable – and it's not particularly the writers fault, though you'd think they'd make it accessible as possible. The backstory of Warrior Woman provides some insight into the story, though it admittedly took a while to catch on. The art fits the comic book though it doesn't tread any new ground, nor does it blow you away in amazement. Nothing aboutSquadron Supreme #9 has the “wow-factor”. Read Full Review

  • 4.9
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Jul 25, 2016

    This issue is equally a good jumping on point and a bad one.The fact that we are getting a character's backstory makes it accessible but wealso harp upon storylines from previous issues which the average reader did notread. The art was good but nothing special. Overall, a strange issue to be atie-in to the Civil War II crossover. It just seems forced to me. Read Full Review

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