Spider-Island #1
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Spider-Island #1

Writer: Christos N. Gage, Tom DeFalco Artist: Paco Diaz, Ron Frenz Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 14
7.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

• The Spider-Queen has turned Manhattan into an island of Spider-Madness and Peter Parker has lost, thanks to Spider-Scribe CHRISTOS GAGE (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN) & rising star artist PACO DIAZ (WOLVERINE, SCARLET SPIDERS).
•  With Spider-Man defeated and captive, does Flash Thompson, A.K.A. VENOM stand a chance?
•  All this, plus visit the MC2 patch of BATTLEWORLD! Mayday Parker and her Spider-Family are back courtesy of classic Spider-Girl team TOM DEFALCO, RON FRENZ & SAL BUSCEMA!
Rated T

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jul 8, 2015

    The result is a fresh take on the crossover by recasting some of the main characters and by changing the baseline of the setting. It is a bit grittier than the original, but the reimagining works well as the reader is drawn into the story almost immediately and the pace never lets up. It is also nice to see the backup feature showing us a slightly older Spider-Girl (now Spider-Woman) from the MC2, which also sort of ties into the Secret Wars crossover. In the end this is a pretty decent tie-in to Secret Wars, proving once again that those who are willing to push the boundaries that the freedom of the crossover allows, also benefit from those risks, as they have paid off here and elsewhere for these tie-in series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jul 9, 2015

    The original event may still be somewhat divisive amongst fans, but this Spider-Island is a satisfying spin on the Spider Virus that was borne in Dan Slott's 2011 event. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Jul 9, 2015

    Spider-Island #1 is a solid exploration into Battleworld that's bound to engage fanboys and fangirls who enjoyed the original event. It's not as strongas other entries but the creative team did more than enough to earn a recommendation from me. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Alex Nader Jul 13, 2015

    Gage, Diaz, and D'Armata deliver an intriguing look at a potential future of Spider-Island, with enough hooks and ideas to keep readers interested. The first issue takes too long to establish the plot, but it promises to have interesting consequences. The art is great and the cast is exciting, and I can't wait to read the next issue. However, thebackup story has some issues. While certainly pertinent and interesting to fans of Mayday Parker, is likely to confuse a majority of readers rather than entice them into reading more about the young heroine. Hopefullyfuture installments will remedy some of these issues! Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Comicsverse - Tom Bacon Jul 8, 2015

    SPIDER-ISLAND #1 is a mixed bag; it turns to a traditional WHAT IF? story, and treated as one of those it's good. But it really doesn't feel like what “Secret Wars” was supposed to be. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 9, 2015

    As with many Secret Wars tie-ins, this series explores a world where the Spider-Island status quo never ended. In theory that sounds like excellent story fodder. In practice, Spider-Island plays out a little too much like a standard zombie story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 13, 2015

    The MC2 tale doesn't anchor itself to "Spider-Island," Battleworld or even "Secret Wars," but it does spin out from events of "Spider-Verse," making "Spider-Island" #1 a lighter version of an anthology with options for readers who want Spider-Man-related stories that don't necessarily star ol' Webhead. Read Full Review

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